Ch. 3 Nutrition

  1. Calorie
    The unit of energy measured by the amount of heat required to raise 1000 grams of water one degree Celsius
  2. Six categories of nutrients:
    • 1. carbs
    • 2. proteins
    • 3. lipids
    • 4. vitamins
    • 5. minerals
    • 6. water
  3. non-essential nutrients
    healthy, well nourished, bodies can make them in sufficient quantities to satisfy there needs.
  4. macronutrients
    needed in larger quantities
  5. micronutrient
    needed in small quantities (ex. vitamins and minerals)
  6. Simple carbohydrates
    include monosaccharides and disaccharides.
  7. Complex carbohydrates
    composed of long chains of the monosaccharide glucose
  8. trans fats
    a type of fat creased when vegetable oils are solidified through hydrogenation
  9. metabolism
    all chemical reactions and physical processes that occur continuously in living cells and organisms
  10. 2 categories of minerals:
    trace minerals and major minerals
  11. flavonoids
    plant pigments that dissolve redily in water , found in red, purple and white vegetables such as blueberries, red cabbage, onions, and tea.
  12. 6 parts of the food pyramid
    • 1. Activity
    • 2. Moderation
    • 3. Personalization
    • 4. Proportionality
    • 5. variety
    • 6. Gradual improvement
  13. ingredient substitute
    to mean the replacement of one ingredient with another of presumably similar (not necessarily identical flavor, texture, and appearance and other characteristic)
  14. ingredient alternative
    replacement of an ingredient with another of different flavor, texture, appearance, or other characteristic, but does not compromise the flavor of the dish
  15. additives
    substances added to many foods to prevent spoilage or improve appearance, texture, flavor, or nutritional value
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Ch. 3 Nutrition
ch. 3