Intro to Virginia Studies

  1. What were the three major American Indian lanquage groups found in Virginia (VS.2d)
    • 1. Iroquian
    • (Spoken in southwestern Virginia and in southern Virginia near what is today North Carolina. The Cherokee were in this group)
    • 2. Siouan
    • (Spoken primarily in the Piedmont region)
    • 3. Albonquian
    • (Spoken primarily in the Tidewater region. The Powhatans were in this group)
  2. How did the Powhatan people and the English interact?
    Captain John Smith initiated trading relaitonships with the Powhatans.
  3. Why did the relationship between the Jamestown settlers and the Powhatans change?
    The Powhatans traded food, furs, and leather with the English in exchange for tools, pots, guns and other goods.

    The Powhatan people realized the English settlement would continue to grow.

    • The Powhatans saw the colonists as invaders that would take over their land.

  4. The Powhatans contributed to the survival of the Jamestown settlers by:
    1) Pocahontas, daughter of Chief Powhatan, believed the English and the American Indians (First Americans) could live in harmony. Pocahontas began a friendship with the colonist that helped them survive.

    2) The Powhatans introduced new crops to the English, including corn and tobacco.
  5. Why are First Americans called Indians?
    Christopher Columbus called the people he found in the lands he explored “Indians” because he thought he was in the Indies (near China).
  6. What evidence is there that American Indians lived in all areas of the state?
    Artifacts such as arrowheads, pottery, and other tools that have been found tell a lot about the people who lived in Virginia
  7. How do the 5 geographic regions differ and where are they located?
    • Coastal Plain (Tidewater)
    • Flat land
    • Location near Atlantic Ocean and Chesapeake Bay (includes Eastern Shore)
    • East of the Fall Line
    • Piedmont (land at the foot of mountains)
    • Rolling hills
    • West of the Fall Line
    • Blue Ridge Mountains
    • Old, rounded mountains
    • Part of Appalachian mountain system
    • Located between the Piedmont and Valley and Ridge regions
    • Source of many rivers
    • Valley and Ridge
    • Includes the Great Valley of Virginia and other valleys separated by ridges (The Blue Ridge Mountains and the Valley and Ridge Regions are part of the Appalachian mountain system.)
    • Located west of Blue Ridge Mountains
    • Appalachian Plateau
    • (Plateau: Area of elevated land that is flat on top)
    • Located in Southwest Virginia
    • Only a small part of the plateau is located in Virginia
  8. Products & Industries or the Coastal Plain (Tidewater) region?
    • Products - seafood
    • Industries - shipbuilding, tourism, federal military installations
  9. Products & Industries or the Piedmont region?
    • Products - tobacco products, information technology
    • Industries - technology, federal and state government, farming, textiles.
  10. Products & Industries of the Blue Ridge Mountain region?
    • Products - apples
    • Industries - recreation
  11. Products & Industries of the Valley & Ridge region?
    • Products - poultry, apples
    • Industries - farming
  12. Products & Industries of the Appalachian Plateau region?
    • Products - coal
    • Industries - coal mining
  13. What is a peninsula?
    A piece of land bordered by water on three sides.
  14. Which water features were important to the early history of Virginia?
    • Chesapeake Bay- Provided a safe harbor
    • Was a source of food and transportation
    • James River - Flows into the Chesapeake Bay, Richmond and Jamestown located along the James River
    • York River - Flows into the Chesapeake Bay, Yorktown located along the York River
    • Potomac River - Flows into the Chesapeake, Bay. Alexandria located along the Potomac River
    • Rappahannock River - Flows into the Chesapeake Bay, Fredericksburg located on the Rappahannock River
  15. Fall Line:
    The natural border between the Coastal Plain (Tidewater) and Piedmont regions, where waterfalls prevent further travel on the river
  16. What are some ways that relative location can be described?
    Locations of places can be described in relative terms. Relative location may be described using terms that show connections between two places such as “next to,” “near,” “bordering.”
  17. What states border Virginia?
    • Bordering states
    • • Maryland
    • • West Virginia
    • • Kentucky
    • • Tennessee
    • • North Carolina
  18. What large bodies of water border Virginia?
    • • Atlantic Ocean
    • • Chesapeake Bay
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Intro to Virginia Studies
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