BCTC Stroke Lecture Pt 1

  1. List 4 nonmodifiable stroke risk factors.
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Race
    • Heredity
  2. List 10 modifiable stroke risk factors
    • HTN
    • Heart Disease
    • Drugs and Alcohol abuse
    • Poor diet
    • Inactivity
    • Obesity
    • Smoking
    • Sleep Apnea
  3. List 3 factors affecting blood flow to the brain.
    • Systemic BP
    • Cardiac Output
    • Blood viscosity
  4. How is Atherosclerosis associated with stroke.
    It leads to thrombus formation and Emboli.
  5. This is most important intital diagnostic study for stroke.
    CT without contrast w/in 10 minutes
  6. List 2 major categories of strokes.
    • Ischemic Stroke
    • Hemorrhagic Stroke
  7. List 2 types of Hemorrhagic stroke
    • ICH
    • SAH
  8. List 5 manifestations of ICH
    • Neuro deficits
    • Headache
    • N/V
    • Decreased LOC
    • HTN
  9. 2 surgical procedures for SAH
    • Clipping of Aneurysm- #1
    • coiling
  10. Stroke affects these body functions.
    • Motor Activity
    • Elimination
    • Intellectual Function
    • Spatial-perceptive alterations
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BCTC Stroke Lecture Pt 1
BCTC Big Picture Questions Stroke part 1