Social Stratification
The system in which some people get more of fewer rewards than others
What is Income?
What is Assets?
- Income : Salary
- Assets : Income producing property.
Social Class
A category of people who have about the same amount of income, power, and prestige.
The ability to control the behavior of others, even against their will
Caste system
Class System
A relatively rigid stratification system in which people's positions are ascribed and fixed.
A relatively open stratification system in which people's positions are achieved and changeable
Social mobility
Movement from one social class to another
Horizontal Mobility
Movement from one job to another within the same social class.
Vertical Mobility
Moving up or down the status ladder
Intergenerational Mobility
- A change in social class from one generation to the next
Intragenerational Mobility
- A change in an individuals social standing
Structural Mobility
Social mobility related to changes in society
Absolute Poverty
The lack of minimum food, shelter, and clothing necessary for maintaining life.
Feminization of poverty
A huge number of women bearing the burden of poverty, mostly as single mothers or heads of families
Life changes
The likelihood of living a good, long successful life in a society.
Tastes, preferences, and ways of living
The ability to control the behavior of others, even against their will.
Power Elite.
A small group of top leaders not just from business corporations but also from the federal government and the military
Relative poverty
A state of deprivation resulting from having less than the majority of the people have
Upper Upper 1% - 2%
- Old Aristocracy of birth and wealth
- Ascribed status
- Most of their income is earned from investment
- "out of sight class"
- Social clubs, prep private schools.
- Intermarry.
Lower Upper 2% - 3%
- Achieved...created their own wealth.
- Don't have family name.
- Billionaires and millionaires such as real estate employers.
- Can become members of the upper upper through marriage.
Upper Middle (affluent class) 10% - 15%
- High level of education
- top of their profession
- actively participate in political and community life
- live in enclosed estates
- concerned with childrens personal education and career advancement.
Middle Middle (suburban class) 15% - 20%
- Obtained the American dream (owning a home in suburbs)
- White collar professionals - business,law,education etc.
- two incomes from husb. and wife.
- "anxious" class
- anxiety about jobs especially in downsizing
Lower Middle (diverse class) 15% - 20%
- Pink collar workers - lower level or entry level
- less pwp
Upper Lower (working Class) 20% - 30%
- blue collar, male dominated
- less formal education for work, but job training
- make more money than lower middle
- less prestige because of physical labor.
- Lack fringe benefits unless with union.
Middle Lower (working poor) 10% - 15%
- Very difficult time amking a living
- full time / part time jobs minimum wage.
- not poor, but barely make enough for family of four.
- 22,000 four a fam of 4 (2010)
Lower Lower (Poverty Class) 10% - 20%
- Isolates itself from the social class
- Joblessness,homelessness,welfareism
- decaying urban neighborhoods
- Old Underclass + new underclass.
Income & Assets %
- 20% Upper Class
- 60% income, 80 % Assets
- 80% Lower class
- 40% of income, 20% of assets