this is the name of cells undegoing mieosis to make an egg
ovum (ova)
the female reproductive gamete is made when cells in the ovaries undergo meiosis.
sexual reproduction cell, as sperm or egg when meeting another one creates a organism
is a hollow muscular organ where the baby grows
a narrow muscular opening,
a channel where a baby comes out
is made of erectile tissue and many nerves that respond to the pleasure during sex
the male reproductive gamete
is located in the scrotum
there about 20 million sperm stored in a tiny tube at the top of the testes
the tube where urine is exelled
adds nutrients a nuttrient rich fluid called semen to the sperm
helps the sperm with the energey they will need to the journey to the egg
cowpers gland
also adds nutrients to the sperm
the new diploid cell with 46 chromosomes
a cell containing two complete sets of chromosomes. one set mother one set father
a cell containing chromosome with no homologous partner. one set of genetic information
the cell cycle that occurs in specialized diploid cells to yield haploid gametes
fertilization vs. inplantion
fertilization is there the sperm fuses with the egg to form a zygote. implantation is when the previously fertilized zygote fuses with the side of the uterus
sister chromotids
identical replicated chromatids
similarities and differences of mitosis mieosis
similar: Both types of cell divion, bth repicate cs ar start, cs are controlled by spinder fibers,
different: produces dfferent #'s of daughter cells (mitosis-2, mieosis- 4), mitosis prduces diploid, meiosis produces haploids
what type of cell divion ends with diploid daughter cells
list the 5 different ways that an organism can reproduce by mitosis
binary fusion, sporulation, budding, vegitaion propagation, regeneration
the sperm are stored in...
the epididymis
what are two different things male and female
- male: urethra carries roproductive cells
- female: Urethra part of a saprate system
- Male: Testes are extirior to the body
- female: oraries is interior
two similar things to male and female
- 2 testes and 2 ovaries
- erectile tissue and erectile tissue
where does a zygote fertilize?
fallopian tube
what does LH (luteiniziting hormones) do in the female body?
LH causes ovulation =, formation of corpus luteum