Dental Anatomy

  1. Oral mucosa is composed of_________ overlying a connective tissue proper, or__________
    • stratified squamous epithelium
    • lamina propria
  2. What are the 3 main types of mucosa found in the oral cavity?
    • lining
    • masticatory
    • specialized
  3. Which type of mucosa has a softer surface texture?
    lining mucosa
  4. Histologically lining mucosa is associated with what type of epithelium?
    nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
  5. The general histological features of lining mucosa allows it to serve in regions in the mouth where a______________base is needed
  6. The moveable base in lining mucosa allows for what 3 things?
    • speech
    • mastication
    • swallowing`
  7. What 5 structures in the mouth have lining mucosa?
    • buccal and labial mucosa
    • alveolar mucosa
    • floor of the mouth
    • ventral surface of the tongue
    • soft palate
  8. In what type of mucosa do surgical procedures usually require sutures for closure?
    lining mucosa
  9. Normal variant, and visible as small, yellowish elevations on the surface of mucosa, usually lining mucosa
    Fordyce's spots/granules
  10. Where will you usually find Fordyce's spots/granules?
    Lining mucosa
  11. true or false. It is easier to inject local anesthetic in lining mucosa
  12. What is a downside of lining mucosa that we discussed in class?
    infections spread quickly in it
  13. Masticatory mucosa is noted for what 2 things?
    • rubbery surface texture
    • resiliency
  14. What 3 structures have masticatory mucosa?
    • attached gingiva
    • hard palate
    • dorsal surface of the tongue
  15. Histologically, masticatory mucosa is associated with what kind of epithelium?
    Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
  16. What are the 2 different types of keratinized epithelium?
    • orthokeratinized
    • parakeratinized
  17. Masticatory mucosa that has NO nuclei and is white
  18. What type of mucosa is least common in the oral cavity?
    orthokeratinized masticatory mucosa
  19. Orthokeratinized masticatory mucosa protects against what 5 things?
    • physical attack
    • chemical attack
    • microbial attack
    • dehydration
    • heat loss
  20. Masticatory mucosa that has nuclei
  21. masticatory mucosa that is associated with a higher level of attached gingiva
  22. What does perakeratinized masticatory mucosa protect against? (3)
    • bacterial invasion
    • mechanical irritation
    • dryness
  23. In what type of oral mucosa are sutures rarely needed after surgery?
    masticatory mucosa
  24. true or false. Injections are more difficult to give in masticatory mucosa. Masticatory mucosa has a longer healing time
    both statements are true
  25. What might happen to non-keratinized oral mucosa if it is hyperkeratinized?
    it may transform into keratinized
  26. Give an example of non keratinized epithelium being hyperkeratinized and transformed into keratinized.
    Linea alba
  27. Linea alba occurs as a result of what?
    masticatory habits
  28. Hyperkeratinization often occurs in response to what?
  29. true or false. In keratinized epithelium, hyperkeratinization may still occur in response to chemical trauma
  30. What are examples of trauma where keratinized oral mucosa can be hyper keratinized?
    heat from smoking or hot fluids
  31. true or false. Hyperkeratinization in keratinized mucosa is reversible if the source of trauma is removed
  32. Where is specialized mucosa found? Give an example
    • dorsal and lateral surfaces of the tongue
    • papilla on tongue
  33. Labial and buccal mucosa is found where?
    inner lips and cheeks
  34. What are 5 characteristics of labial and buccal mucosa?
    • extremely thick
    • opaque pink
    • shiny, moist
    • compressible
    • stretches easily
  35. In labial and buccal mucosa the mucosa and muscle function as____ ____
    one unit
  36. Alveolar mucosa is found where?
    lines vestibules of oral cavity
  37. What are 5 characteristics of alveolar mucosa?
    • thin tissue
    • reddish pink
    • mobile tissue
    • shiny, moist
    • loose attachment
  38. What are 5 characteristics of the floor of the mouth and ventral surface of the tongue mucosa?
    • extremely thin tissue
    • reddish pink
    • moist shiny
    • mobility
    • function as one unit
  39. What are 3 characteristics of attached gingiva?
    • opaque pink with pigmentation
    • stippling
    • mucogingival junction
  40. What does the attached gingiva look like when the stippling goes away?
    smooth and shiny
  41. What are 2 characteristics of the hard palate?
    • pink
    • firm and immobile
  42. Which portion of the hard palate is more firm, the medial or lateral portion?
  43. where is the tissue usually taken from for tissue grafting?
    the hard palate
  44. What are 2 types of tissue grafting?
    • gree gingival graft
    • subepithelial graft
Card Set
Dental Anatomy
Oral Mucosa 1...