Ch. 20 Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging

  1. angiocardiography
    cardiac catheterization
    catheter into a large vein or artery and threaded through the circulatory system to the heart
  2. angiography
    series of X-ray films allowing visualization of internal structures after the introduction of a radiopaque substance
  3. cerebral angiography
    injection of a radiopaque contrast medium into an arterial blood vessel to amke visualization of the cerebral vascular system via X-ray possible
  4. arteriography
    X-ray visualization of arteries following the introduction of a radiopaque contrast medium into the bloodstream thorugh a specific vessel by way of a catheter
  5. arthrography
    process of taking X-rays of the inside of a joint after a contrast medium (substance that makes the inside of the joint visible) has been injected into the joint
  6. cholangiography
    visualization and outlining of the major bile ducts following an intravenous injection of a contrast medium
  7. cholangiography (percutaneous transheptaic) (PTC, PTHC)
    examination of the bile duct structure, using a needle to pass direclty into an intrahepatic bile duct to inject a contrast medium
  8. cholangiopancreatography
    procedure that examines the size and filling of the pancreatic and biliary ducts through direct radiographic visualization with a fiberoptic endoscope
  9. cholecystography (oral)
    visualization of the gallbaldder through X-ray following the oral ingestion of pills ocntaining a radiopaque iodinated dye
  10. cineradiography
    combining the techniques of fluoroscopy, radiography, and cinematography of by filming the images that develop of a fluorescent screen with a movie camera
  11. computed axial tomography (CT, CAT)
    computed tomography
    painless noninvasive diagnostic X-ray procedure using ionizing radiation that produces a cross-sectional image of the body
  12. voiding cystourethrography
    x-ray visualization of the bladder and urethra during the voiding process, after the bladder ahs been filled with contrast material
  13. digital subtraction angiography (DSA)
    X-ray images of blood vessels only, appearing without any background due to the use of a computerized digital video subtraction process
  14. echocardiography
    studying the structure and motion of the heart
  15. fluoroscopy
    examine the function of an organ or a body part by using a fluoroscope
  16. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
    noninvasive scanning procedure that provides visualization of fluid, soft tissue, and bony structures by using electromagnetic energy
  17. myelography
    introdcution of contrast medium into the lumbar subarachnoid space through a lumbar puncture to visualize the spinal cord and vertebral canal through X-ray examination
  18. positron emission tomography (PET)
    noninvasive demonstrates the biological function of the body before anatomical changes take place
  19. pyelography
    excretory urogram
    visualiztion of the entire urinary tract
  20. radioactive iodine uptake
    examination that determines the position, size, shape, and physiologiacl function of the thyroid gland through the use of radionuclear scanning
  21. scanning (bone, brain, liver, lungs)
    recording the emission of radioactive waves using a gamma camera after an intravenous injection of a radionuclide material into the particualr part of the body being studied
  22. single-phantom emission computed tomography (SPECT)
    shows how blood flows to tissues and organs
  23. small bowel follow-through
    contrast medium, barium sulfate, which flows through the GI system. X-ray films are obtained at timed intervals to observe the progression of the barium through the small intestine
  24. tomography
    x-ray technique used to construct a detailed cross section, at a predetermined depth, of a tissue structures
  25. venography
    prepare an x-ray images of veins that have been injected a contrast medium that is radiopaque
  26. aortography
    aorata and its branches are injected with any of various contrast media for visualization
  27. betatron
    cyclic accelerator that produces high-energy electrongs for radiotherapy treatments
  28. brachytherapy
    placement of radioactive sources in contact with or implanted into the tissues to be treated
  29. Doppler effect
    apparent changes in frequency of sound or light waves emitted by a source as it moves away from or toward an observer
  30. fluoresence
    emission of light of any wavelength (usually ultraviolet) when exposed to light of a different (usually shorter) wavelength
  31. interstitial therapy
    radiotherapy in which needles or wires that contain radioactive material are implanted directly into tumor areas
  32. ionization
    process in which a neutral atom or molecule gains or loses electrons and thus acquires a negative or positive electric charge
  33. irradiation
    exposure to any form of radiant energy
  34. linear accelerator
    apparatus for accelerating charged subatomic particles used in radiotherapy, physics research, and the production of radionuclides
  35. lymphangiography
    x-ray examination of lymph glands and lymphatic vessels after an injection of contrast medium
  36. orthovoltage
    voltage range fo 100 to 350 KeV supplied by some X-ray generators used for radiation therapy
  37. palliative
    too soothe or relieve
  38. piezoelectric
    generation of voltage across a solid when a mechanical stress is applied
  39. rad (RAD)
    radiation absorbed dose; basic unit of absorbed dose of inoizing radiation
  40. radioactivity
    ability of a substance to emit rays or particles form its nucleus
  41. radioimmunoassay
    technique in radiology used to determine the ocncentration of an antigen, antibody, or other protein in the serum
  42. radioisotope
    radioacive isotope used for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes
  43. radiolucent
    pertaining to materials that allow X-rays to penetrate with a minimum of absorption
  44. radionuclide
    isotope (nuclide) that undergoes radioactive decay
  45. radiopaque
    not permitting the passage of X-rays or other radiant energy
  46. radiopharmaceutical
    drug that contains radioactive atoms
  47. roentgenology
  48. telethrapy
    radiation therapy administered by a machine positioned at some distance from the patient
  49. transducer
    handheld device that sends and receives a sound-wave signal
  50. uptake
    drawing up or absorption of a substance
  51. fluor
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Ch. 20 Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
Medical terminology CLC HIT 111