EMTB-11 Ch9 Patient Assessment

  1. vital signs
    outward signs of what is going on inside the body, including respiration, pulse; skin color, temperature, and condition (plus capillary refill in infants & children); pupils; and blood pressure
  2. pulse
    rhythmic beats felt as the heart pumps blood through the arteries.
  3. pulse rate
    the number of pulse beats per minute.
  4. tachycardia
    a rapid pulse; any pulse rate above 100 beats per minute.
  5. bradycardia
    a slow pulse; any pulse rate below 60 beats per minute.
  6. pulse quality
    the rhythm (regular or irregular) and force (strong or weak) of the pulse.
  7. radial pulse
    the pulse felt at the wrist.
  8. brachial pulse
    the pulse felt in the upper arm.
  9. carotid pulse
    the pulse felt along the large carotid artery on either side of the neck.
  10. respiration
    the act of breathing in and breathing out.
  11. respiratory rate
    number of breaths taken in 1 minute.
  12. respiratory quality
    the normal or abnormal (shallow, labored, or noisy) character of breathing.
  13. respiratory rhythm
    the regular or irregular spacing of breaths.
  14. reactivity
    in the pupils of the eyes, reacting to light by changing size.
  15. blood pressure
    the force of blood against the walls of the blood vessels.
  16. systolic blood pressure
    the pressure created when the heart contracts and forces blood out into the arteries.
  17. diastolic blood pressure
    the pressure remaining in the arteries when the left ventricle of the heart is relaxed and refilling.
  18. sphygmomanometer
    the cuff & gauge used to measure blood.
  19. brachial artery
    the major artery of the arm.
  20. ausculation
    listening. A stethoscope is used to ausculate for characteristic sounds.
  21. palpation
    touching or feeling. A pulse of blood pressure may be palpated with the fingertips.
  22. blood pressure monitor
    machine that automatically inflates a blood pressure cuff and measures blood pressure.
  23. pulse oximeter
    an electronic device for determining the amount of oxygen carried in the blood, know as the oxygen saturation or SpO2.
  24. oxygen saturation
    the ratio of the amount of oxygen present in the blood to the amount that could be carried, expressed as a percentage.
  25. sign
    an indication of a patient's condition that is objective, or can be observed by another person; an indication that can be seen, heard, smelled, or felt by the EMT or others.
  26. symptom
    an indication of a patient's condition that cannot be observed by another person but rather subjective, or felt and reported by the patient.
  27. SAMPLE history
    the present & past medical history of the patient, so called because the elements of the history begin with the latter of the word sample: signs/symptoms, allergies, medications, pertinent past history, last oral intake, events leading to the injury or illness.
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EMTB-11 Ch9 Patient Assessment
Patient Assessment