Utensils in the New Kitchen

  1. Vinegar
  2. soy sauce
    • 酱油
    • jiàngyóu
  3. ground black pepper
    • 胡椒粉
    • hújiāofěn
  4. soup ladle
    • 汤勺
    • tāngsháo
  5. breakfast
    • 早餐
    • zǎocān
  6. restaurant
    • 餐厅
    • cāntīng
  7. tool
    • 工具
    • gōngjù
  8. sandwich
    • 三明治
    • sānmíngzhì
  9. any...at all
    • 什么...都没有
    • shénme ... dōu méiyǒu
  10. seasonings
    • 调料
    • tiáoliào
  11. bowls and chopsticks
    • 碗筷
    • wǎnkuài
  12. box
    • 箱子
    • xiāngzi
  13. to slice
    • qiē
  14. fruit knife
    • 水果刀
    • shuǐguǒdāo
  15. [measure word for things with handles]
  16. spoon
    • 勺子
    • sháozi
  17. spatula
    • 铲子
    • chǎnzi
  18. Chinese kitchen knife
    • 菜刀
    • càidāo
  19. wok, pot
    • guō
  20. to stir-fry food
    • 炒菜
    • chǎo cài
  21. hurriedly
    • 赶紧
    • gǎnjǐn
  22. eating utensils
    • 餐具
    • cānjù
  23. cooking utensils
    • 厨具
    • chújù
  24. to tidy up
    • 收拾
    • shōushi
  25. kitchen
    • 厨房
    • chúfáng
  26. to be tired of
Card Set
Utensils in the New Kitchen
Mandarin Chinse Vocabulary Related to the Kitchen and Cooking