One Way Traffic Scuffle

  1. Direction
    • 方向
    • fāngxiàng
  2. serious, severe
    • 严重
    • yánzhòng
  3. to stress
    • 突出
    • tūchū
  4. North America
    • 北美
    • BěiMěi
  5. to argue
    • 吵架
    • chǎojià
  6. zebra
    • 斑马
    • bānmǎ
  7. reason
    • 道理
    • dàolǐ
  8. truth
    • 真理
    • zhēnlǐ
  9. to happen
    • 发生
    • fāshēng
  10. to take out
    • 拿出来
    • ná chūlai
  11. to drive over here
    • 开过来
    • kāi guòlai
  12. drivers license
    • 驾照
    • jiàzhào
  13. in the direction of
    • wǎng
  14. one-way street
    • 单行道
    • dānxíngdào
  15. record
    • 记录
    • jìlù
  16. to be in the right, justified
    • 有理
    • yǒulǐ
  17. crosswalk
    • 斑马线
    • bānmǎxiàn
  18. to cross the street
    • 过马路
    • guò mǎlù
  19. unpleasant sounding
    • 难听
    • nántīng
  20. amazing, incredible
    • 了不起
    • liǎobuqǐ
  21. to crash into
    • zhuàng
  22. nearly
    • 差点儿
    • chàdiǎnr
  23. careslessly
    • luàn
  24. what happened
    • 怎么回事
    • zěnme huí shì
Card Set
One Way Traffic Scuffle
Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary Words Related to Driving and Traffic