EMTB-11 Ch4b Musculoskeletal/ Muscles

  1. ligament
    tissue that connects bone to bone
  2. muscle
    tissue that can contract to allow movement of a body part
  3. tendon
    tissue that connects muscle to bone
  4. cranium
  5. mandible
    lower jaw bone
  6. skull
    bony structure of the head
  7. maxillae
    the two fused bones forming the upper jaw
  8. orbits
    bony structures around the eyes
  9. zygomatic arches
    form the structure of the cheeks
  10. vertebrae
    the 33 bones of the spinal column
  11. Divisions of the Spine and number of vertebrae for each
    Cervical  - 7   - neckThoracic - 12 - thorax
  12. thorax
    the chest
  13. sternum
    the breastbone
  14. manubrium
    superior portion of the sternum
  15. xiphoid process
    inferior portion of the sternum
  16. pelvis
    basin-shaped bony structure that support the spone and is the point of proximal attachment for the lower extremities
  17. illium
    the superior and widest portion of the pelvis
  18. ischium
    the lower
  19. pubis
    the medial anterior portion of the pelvis
  20. acetabulum
    the pelvic socket into which the ball at the proximal end of the femur fits to form the hip joint
  21. femur
    large bone of the thigh
  22. patella
    the kneecap
  23. tibia
    the medial & large bone of the lower leg
  24. fibula
    the lateral & smaller bone of the lower leg
  25. malleoluslateral & medial
    protrusion on the side of the ankle.Lateral malleolus - at lower of the the fibula is on the outer ankle.Medial malleolus - at the lower end of the tibia is on the inner ankle.
  26. tarsals
    ankle bones
  27. calcaneus
    heel bone
  28. phalanges
    toe bones and finger bones
  29. clavicle
  30. scapula
    shoulder blade
  31. acromion process
    highest portion of the shoulder
  32. acromioclavicular joint
    joint where the acromion and clavicle meet
  33. humerus
    bone of the upper arm
  34. radius
    lateral bone of the forearm
  35. ulna
    medial bone of the forearm
  36. carpals
  37. metacarpals
    hand bones
  38. joint
    point where two bones come together
  39. voluntary muscle / skeletal muscle
    muscle that can be conciously controlled
  40. involuntary muscle / smooth muscle
    muscle that reponds automatically to brain signals but cannot be conciously controlled
  41. cardiac muscle
    specialized involuntary muscle found only in the heart
  42. automaticity
    the ability of the heart to generate and conduct electrical impulses on its own
Card Set
EMTB-11 Ch4b Musculoskeletal/ Muscles
Musculoskeletal System