Sectionalism Terms

  1. General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
  2. Remember the Alamo!
    • A battle cry in the Texans' struggle for independence from Mexico, later used by Americans in the Mexican War.
    • It recalled the desperate fight of the Texan defenders in the Alamo, a besieged fort, where they died to the last man.
  3. Lone Star Republic
  4. John Jacob Astor
    American financier who served in the Spanish-American War and drowned in the Titanic disaster.
  5. Oregon Trail
    • Overland emigrant route in the United States from the Missouri River to the Columbia River country.
    • It was heavily used in the 1840s by travelers to Oregon, including settlers of the “great migration.”
  6. 54° 40' or Fight!
  7. Mr. Polk's War
  8. General Zachary Taylor
  9. Old Rough & Ready
    Nickname for U.S. President Zachary Taylor.
  10. General Winfield Scott
  11. Slidell Mission
  12. John C. Fremont
    • U.S. general and explorer.
    • first Republican presidential candidate, 1856.
  13. Bear Flag Republic
    • The California Republic was the result of a revolt by Americans on June 14 1846 against the authorities of the Mexican province of California. It lasted less than a month.
    • The republic eventually became the present-day state of California.
  14. Battle of Vera Cruz
    An engagement of the Mexican-American War that took place after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo had been signed.
  15. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)
    Peace treaty between the United States and Mexico that ended the Mexican War.
  16. Wilmot Proviso
    • Amendment to a bill put before the U.S. House of Representatives during the Mexican War.
    • It provided an appropriation of $2 million to enable President Polk to negotiate a territorial settlement with Mexico.
  17. Popular Sovereignty
  18. Free-Soil Party
    Political party that came into existence in 1847-48 chiefly because of rising opposition to the extension of slavery into any of the territories newly acquired from Mexico.
  19. Coolies
    • An unskilled laborer employed cheaply.
    • Usually brought from Asia. (India and China)
  20. Compromise of 1850
    • A set of laws, passed in the midst of fierce wrangling between groups favoring slavery and groups opposing it, that attempted togive something to both sides.
    • The compromise admitted California to the United States as a “free” state but allowed some newly acquired territories to decide on slavery forthemselves.
  21. Omnibus Bill
    Single document that is accepted in a singlevote by a legislature but contains amendments to a number ofother laws or even many entirely new laws.
  22. Gadsden Purchase (1853)
    Region of what is todaysouthern Arizona and New Mexico that was purchased by theUnited States in a treaty signed by President Franklin Pierce onJune 24, 1853, and then ratified by the U.S. Senate on April 25,1854.
  23. Young America Movement
    Political concept popular in the 1840s. Inspired by European youth movements of the 1830s The U.S. group was formed as a political organization in 1845 by Edwin de Leon and George H. Evans.
  24. Fugitive Slave Act (1854)
    Written in response to a conflict between Pennsylvania and Virginia. Although the problem of fugitive slaves was addressed atthe Constitutional Convention in 178 there was an assumption that interstate cooperation would allow this provision to be enforced. In reality, differences of moral attitudes and questions over legal responsibility for enforcement made the rendition of fugitives difficult.
  25. Ostend Manifesto (1854)
    • Secret document written in 1854 by U.S. diplomats at Ostend, Belgium, describing a plan to acquire Cuba from Spain.
    • The document declared that "Cuba is as necessary to the North American republic as any of its present members, and that it belongs naturally to that great family of states of which the Union is the Providential Nursery."
  26. Sen. Charles Sumner
    American politician and statesman from Massachusetts. An academic lawyer and a powerful orator, Sumner was the leader ofthe anti slavery forces in Massachusetts and a leader of the Radical Republicans in the United States Senate during the American Civil War and Reconstruction.
  27. Congr. Preston Brooks
    • Democratic Congressman from South Carolina.
    • Known for physically beating senator Charles Sumner on the floor of the United States Senate.
  28. Thomas R. Dew
    American educator and writer; a son of Captain Thomas Dew and Lucy Gatewood Dew. His father was a Revolutionary War soldier and founder of Dewsville, a prosperous plantation near Newtown, King and Queen County, Virginia.
  29. Stephen Douglas
  30. Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
    • Became law on May 30, 1854.
    • By which the U.S. Congress established the territories of Kansas and Nebraska.
  31. Republican Party
    • American political party.
    • First used by Thomas Jefferson's party, later calledthe Democratic Republican party or, simply, the Democratic party.
  32. Antebellum South
    Period of between the War of 1812 and the American Civil War. Due to the invention of the cotton gin in 1786, the ecomomies of the Upcountry and the Lowcountry became fairly equal in wealth, although also triggering a massive rise in the slave trade.
  33. DeBow's Review
    widely circulated magazine of"agricultural, commercial, and industrial progress and resource" inthe American South during the upper middle of the 19th century,from 1846 until 1884.
  34. Slavocracy
  35. Greek Revival-Style
    architectural movement of the lateeighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, predominantly innorthern Europe and the United States. A product of Hellenism, itmay be looked upon as the last phase in the development ofNeoclassical architecture.
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Sectionalism Terms
Sectionalism Terms