Extensor Carpi Radialis
- Location: forelimb, lateral
- Origin: humerus
- Insertion: metacarpals- attaches on thumb side of palm
- Movement: extends wrist, pulls back on hand
- Other: above elbow
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
- Location: forelimb, lateral
- Origin: humerus
- Insertion: metacarpals, on ulna side- ulna makes bump on elbow
- Movement: extend wrist
- Other: closest to elbow
Extensor Digitorum Communis
- Location: forelimb, lateral
- Origin: humerus
- Insertion: digits
- Movement: extends digits
- Other: type in code on ATM, down between digitorum lateralis and extensor radialis
Extensor Digitorum Lateralis
- Location: forelimb, lateral
- Origin: humerus
- Insertion: digits
- Movement: extends digits
- Other: closest to ulna, elbow