What is muscle number 1?
- Location: forelimb, medial and lateral
- Origin: humerus
- Insertion: radius
- Movement: flex elbow
- Other: can see from top and both sides, thick, spreads over elbow
Flexor Carpi Radialis
- Location: forelimb, medial
- Origin: humerus
- Insertion: metacarpals
- Movement: flex wrist
- Other: opposite of extensor radialis, next to palmaris longus
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
- Location: Forelimb, medial
- Origin: humerus
- Insertion: metacarpals
- Movement: flex wrist
- Other: up from elbow, trangle shape, along elbow with ulna, underside
Muscle number 3?
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
- Location: forelimb, medial
- Origin: ulna
- Insertion: digits
- Movement: flex digits
- Other: deep, under palmaris longus
Palmaris Longus
- Location: forelimb, medial
- Origin: humerus
- Insertion: carpals
- Movement: flex wrist
- Other: thin, elbow to wrist on underside, wide, covers flexor digitorum profundus
Pectoralis Major
- Location: chest, torso, pecks
- Origin: sternum
- Insertion: humerus
- Movement: adduct forelimb, towards body
- Other: on chest, big muscle, pecks
Triceps Brachii- Long Head
- Location: forelimb, medial and lateral
- Origin: scapula
- Insertion: ulna
- Movement: extends elbow
- Other: longer and thicker, chicken flap on arms, elbow to armpit, under arm
Triceps Brachii- Medial Head
- Location: forelimb, medial and deep
- Origin: humerus
- Insertion: ulna
- Movement: extend elbow
- Other: under brachial bundle, above long head, small and deep