Biceps Brachii
- Location: Forelimb, medial
- Origin: scapula
- Insertion: ulna
- Movement: flex elbow
- Other: round, shiny, top of humerus
- Location: Shoulder, medial
- Origin: clavicle
- Insertion: ulna
- Movement: extend humerus, flex elbow, turn head
- Other: over shoulder, shoulder over humerus to ulna, top of humerus and arm muscles
External Oblique
- Location: abdominal area, outer, left and right
- Origin: ribs
- Insertion: ilium, top of hip bone
- Movement: support, flex trunk, for jumping and twisting
- Other: reddish, on sides of stomach
Rectus Abdominus
- Location: abdominal area, down center
- Origin: pubis
- Insertion: ribs
- Movement: support, flex of trunk, posture, bend over
- Other: spine of cat, ribs to pubis, purpleish
- Location: neck, head
- Origin: sternum
- Insertion: mastoid process on skull
- Movement: look down, flex cervical vertebrae
- Other: in neck, on top and center