CH. 19 Child Health

  1. Active acquired immunity
    form of long-term immunity that protects the body against a new infection as the result of antibodies that develop naturally after an initial infection or artificially after a vaccination
  2. apical pulse
    heart rate as heard with a stethoscope placed on the chest wall adjacent to the cardiac apex (top of heart)
  3. autism
    pervasive developmental disorder characterized by the individual being extremely withdrawn and absorbed with fantasy. Impaired communication/social interactions skills, and activities and interests are very limited
  4. crackles
    common abnormal respiratory sound heard on ausculation of the chest during inspiration, characterized by discontinuous bubbling noises
  5. detintion
    eruption of teeth. occurs in sequential pattern, with 20 primary teeth erupting between ages of 6-30 months
  6. febrile
    pertaining to or characterized by an elevated body temperature
  7. friction rub
    dry grating sound heard with a stethoscope during auscultation
  8. hydrocephalus
    pathological condition characterized by an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid, usually under increased pressure, within the cranial vault and subsequent dilation of the ventricles
  9. immunization
    process by which resistance to an infectious disease is induced or agumented
  10. microcephalus
    congential anomaly characterized by abnormal smallness of the head in relation to the rest of the body and by underdevelopment of the brain, resulting in some degree of mental retardation
  11. nomogram
    grapic representation, by any of various systems, of a numeric relationship
  12. omphalitis
    inflammation of the umbilical stump, marked by redness, swelling, and purulent exudate in severe cases
  13. omphalocele
    congenital herniation of intra-abdominal viscera through a defect in the abdominal wall around the umbilicus
  14. omphalorrhea
    drainage from the umbilicus
  15. prodromal
    pertaining to early signs or symptoms that mark the onset of a disease
  16. pyrexia
  17. recumbent
    lying down
  18. retractions
    displacement of tissues to expose a part or structure of the body
  19. stature
    natural height of a person in an upright position
  20. toxoid
    toxin that has been treated with chemicals or with heat or decrease its toxic effects but that retains its ability to cause the production of antibodies
  21. vertex
    top of the head; crown
  22. well-child visit
    routine health visit in which health professionals assess the current health status of the child, the progression of growth and development, and the need for immunizations
  23. diphtheria
    infectious disease affectin the nose, pharynx, or larynx, usually resulting in sore throat, dysphonia (difficult speaking or hoarseness), and fever. Bacterial infection; forms white coating over the affected airways as it multiplies
  24. erythema infectiosum
    viral disease. face that apperas as "slapped cheeks," a fiery red rash on the cheeks
  25. impetigo
    contagious, superfiical skin infection characterized by serious vesicles and pustules filled with millions of staph or strep bacteria, usually forming on the face. bacterial infection
  26. mumps
    acute viral disease characterized by fever, swelling, and tenderness of one or more salivary glands, usually the parotid glands
  27. pertussis
    acute, upper respiratory infectious disease; bacteria
  28. roseola infantum
    viral disease with a sudden onset of a high fever for three or four days, during which time the child may experience mild cold-like symptoms and slight irritability
  29. rubella (German measles; 3-day measles)
    mild febrile infectious disease resembling both scarlet fever and measles but differeing from theses in its short course; rash of both macules and papules that fades and disappears in three days
  30. rubeola (red measles, 7-day measles)
    acute, highlycommunicable viral disease that begins as an upper respiratory disorder with fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose, sensitivity to light, and possible conjunctivitis
  31. scarlet fever (scarlatina)
    acute, contagious disease characterized by sore throat, abrupt high fever, increased pulse, strawberry tongue (red and swollen), and punctiform (pointlike) bright red rash on the body
  32. autism
    pervasive developmental disorder characterized by the individual being extremely withdrawn and absorbed with fantasy
  33. cleft lip and palate
    congenital defect in which there is an oopen space between the nasal cavity and the lip due to failure of the soft tissue and bones in the area to fuse properly during embryologic development
  34. clubfoot
    talipes equinovarus
    infant's foot is fixed in plantar flexion and heel is elevated
  35. coarctation of the aorta
    congential heart defect characterized by a localized narrowing of the aorta, resutls in increased BP in upper extremities and decreased BP in lower extremities
  36. croup
    barking cough, striodor, and laryngeal spasm
  37. cryptorchidism
    condiiton of undescended testicle; absence of one or both testicles from the scrotum
  38. Down syndrome
    congential condition characterized by multiple defects and varyfing degrees of mental retardation
  39. episadias
    urethra opens on the upper side of the penis near the glans
  40. erythroblastosis fetalis
    hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN)
    form of hemolytic anemia that occurs in neonates due to a maternal-fetal blood group incompatibility involving the ABO grouping or the Rh factors
  41. esophageal atresia
    congential abnormality of the esophagus due to its ending before it reaches the stomach either as a bilnd puch or as a fistula connected to the trachea
  42. hyaline membrane disease
    respiratory distress syndrome of the premature infant (RDS)
    severe impairment of the function of respiration in the premature newborn
  43. hydrocele
    accumulation of fluid in any saclike cavity or duct, particularly the scrotal sac or along the spermatic cord
  44. hydrocephalus
    abnormal increase of CSF in brain causes ventricles to dilate, resulting in an increased head circumference in the infant with open fontanels
  45. hypospadias
    congential defect urethra opens on the underside of the penis instead the end
  46. intussuception
    telescoping of a portion of proximal intestine into distal intestine (usually in the ileocecal region), casuing an obstruction
  47. phimosis
    tightness of the foreskin of the penis of the male infant that prevents it fomr being pulled back
  48. Reye's syndrome
    severe edema of the brain and increased intracranial pressure, hypoglycemia, and fatty infiltration and dysfunction of the liver
  49. spna bifida occulta
    congential defect of the CNS in which the back portion of one or more vertebrae is not closed
  50. sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
    crib death
    completely unexpected and unexplained death of an apparently well, or virtually well, infant
  51. Tay-Sachs disease
    congential disorder casued by altered lipid metabolism due to an enzyme deficiency
  52. tetralogy of Fallot
    • congenital heart anomaly that consists of four defects:
    • - pulmonary stenosis
    • - interventricular septal defect
    • - dextroposition (shifting to the right) of the aorta so that it receives blood from both ventricles
    • - hypertrophy of the right ventricle
  53. transposition of the great vessels
    two major arteries of the heart are reversed in position, resulting in two noncommunicating circulatory system
  54. umbilical hernia
    outward protrusion of the intestine through a weakness in the abdominal wall around the umbilicus
Card Set
CH. 19 Child Health
Medical Terminology CLC HIT 111