to dare someoone to do something
atreverse a
to dare your self to do something
to carry out, to achieve
Darse cuenta de
to realize, or recogonize
dejar + direct object means
- to leave something,
- dejé mi auto en el estacionamiento (i left my car in the parking lot)
dejar + infinitive
- to allow or to let
- mis padres no me dejaban conducir de noche. (My
- parents didn’t let me drive at night)
dejar de + infinitive + direct object
- to stop doing something
- dejaste de buscar un auto Nuevo (did you stop looking
- for a new car)
un poco de
- to express a Little
- necesitamos un poco de combustible. (We need a Little fuel.)
- few (with respect to a limit in number) there are few
- energy sources left.
- to express little with respect to amount, scope or degree
- Tristemente, usamos poca energía solar. (Sadly, we use little solar energy.)
- small, little
- Aun los bosques pequenos son importantes. (Even small forests are important)
- Quality in measures of worth.
- Todo depende de la calidad de los materials. (Everything
- depends on the quality of materials.)
- quality as in characteristics of a person or thing
- Su dedicadion es la cualidad que mas admire en el. His
- dedication is the quality I most admire in him.
synonymous for rememebr
to agree, resolve by common consent
to stay in place jose se quedo en chile hast 2006.
- be left/remain (used with an adj)
- laura quedo triste con la noticia. She was left sad by the news.
- to be located
- la casa queda cerca de la estacion de trenes.
to put up with, to tolerate
El recuerdo
memory as in remembrance
La memoria
memory (capacity)
when second part of the sentence does no correct the first part
- when the first part of the sentence is negative and the second part is a noun, adj, adverb, prepositional phrase that corrects the same in the first part.
- No yo vanidoso sino sensible
Sino que
- if the second part of the sentence has a new verb.
- manuel no se obesiona con las artes sino que se apasiona por ellas.
want a thing, activity, or to love someone
means to love someone deeply, family, religious, deep love.
DO NOT need a preposition even though in English they do.
- Agradecer to thank for
- Buscar to look for
- Esperar to wait for
- Pagar to pay for
to inspire a feeling of passion
thrilling, touching, exciting
to play an instrument, and to knock
Parercerse a
to look like
before an adj adverb or subordinate clause means to seem
the + adj+ direct object
- the important thing is
- lo importante es
- lo +adj+singular masucline adj
oler a
- to smell like
- hue, huele stem change,
- esta sopa huele a mariscos
wine glass, tomar una copa
hot drinks, measuring cup
for most beverages, juice, milk, water etc.
Abuser de than object that was taken advantage of or abused
El hombre abuso de la generosidad de mi tío
- Object following de
- el hombre abuso de la generosidad de mi tio
to function correctly, a machine
- devices that are no longer serving their purpose
- este diseño ya no seirve
labor, a persons work
May I have the budget form
- puede traerme el presupuesto (can I have the budget please)
- (puede+ darme, traerme, etc)
I had coffee to drink
Don’t say tuve refereeing to having had something to drink use pedir, comer, tomar
puesto que
since, because of, as a result of