daniel test 3

  1. What is the date of the vision of Daniel 8?
    -3rd year of reign of Belshazzar

    -Probably 550 B.C.
  2. The date of the vision of Daniel 8 is about 550 B.C.

    Where does this fit chronologically into the events of the rest of the book?
    Daniel 4

    Daniel 7 (1st year of Belshazzar)

    Daniel 8

    Daniel 5 (last year of Belshazzar)

    Daniel 6/9
  3. Describe the Vision of Daniel 8
    1 - He sees Ram w / 2 horns (one longer than other) from East conquering other directions (N,S,W)none could compete with it

    2 - A Flying (horn between eyes) male goat comes from the west and brutally attacks the ram and breaks his 2 horns

    3 - The male goat magnifyed himself and became great until horn broke and 4 other horns toward 4 winds of heaven replaced it replaced it.

    4 - A little horn comes up among them and attacks south, east, Judah, and the heavenly hoast.

    5 - It was persecuting power that persecutes heaven for 2300 days after which sanctuary will be cleansed from his evil work.
  4. Where does Daniel see himself in the vision of Daniel 8?
    Palace in S.E.P.UR.

    in the palace in Susa

    in Elam

    in Persia

    by the Ulai River
  5. What are the major elements in the vision of Daniel 8? (4 things)
    1 - Ram

    2 - Goat

    3 - Little Horn

    4 - 2 Saints talking about 2300 days
  6. Why does the vision of Daniel 8 make no reference to Babylon? (5 things)
    1 - All visions refer mainly to condition of God's people

    2 - Babylon was waning power

    3 - Persia was gaining control

    4 - It was time for Babyloian power to end (it would no longer have govt. power over Jewish people

    5 - Transition from Babylon to Persia was taking place.
  7. How much of the vision of Daniel 8 is actually explained in that chapter?

    Everything up to the persecuting power of the little horn is explained

    - Ram & Goat (v. 20, 21);

    - 4 horns (v. 22);

    - little horn (v. 23-25))
  8. Which parts of the vision of Daniel 8 are not explained at the time it is given?
    1 - The sanctuary and 2300 days (v. 13-14) are not explained

    2 - Daniel could not take any more of it so he fainted (v.27) and sometime later we see him appealing for more explanation.
  9. What is the date of the prayer and vision in Daniel 9?
    1 - First year of Darius the Mede, so 538 B.C. (Dan. 9:1)

    2 - He took over after Belshazzar and Babylon fell 539 B.C. (Daniel 5:31)

    3 - Assumption made that his first year was 538 B.C.
  10. How are the dates of the prayer and vision in Daniel 9 connected with the events of Daniel 6? (3 things)
    1 - In Daniel 6 Daniel gets in trouble for praying towards Jerusalem (Daniel 6:10, 11).

    2 - In Daniel 9 he is praying towards Jerusalem for his sin and Israel’s sin.

    3 - Since both stories happened in the first year of Darius the Mede, it is probable to say that Daniel’s prayer in chapter 9 was the prayer that sent him to the lion’s den
  11. Why is it that Daniel chapter 9 can and should be used to explain Chapter 8?
    1 - In original Hebrew - no chapter divisions. Thus, Daniel 9 should not be seen completely separate from 8, but potentially a continuation of Daniel 8.

    2 -
    There is an incomplete explanation of the vision in chapter 8Note that the 2300 days only mentioned once. The vision is not yet completely explained

    a - Last verses of Daniel 7 and 8:

    • - "Here is the end of the matter" (Dan. 7:28) [end of vision explanation]
    • - "I was astonished at the vision, but none understood it" [would have been understood if completely explained]

    3 - Hermeneutical Issue: In every story regarding Daniel thus far we have seen the themes of judgment and sovereignty - basis of every situation (7x). But not mentioned at all in chapter 8. we are justified in looking for these themes somewhere outside of but related to chapter 8 because we see it everywhere else

    4 -
    Daniel 8/9 follows the same structure as Daniel 7. (When Daniel doesn't understand something he asks for it)

    • 5 - Gabriel
    • - A. - Daniel 8 is vision not dream like Daniel 7
    • - B. -Gabriel gives inital explanation in Daniel 8
    • - C. - Gabriel reappears in Dan. 9 to explain vision referring back to Dan. 8

    6- The Content of Dan. 9 is related to contend in Dan. 8
  12. Explain how the structure of Daniel 7 compares with that of Daniel 8 and 9
  13. How do the presence of Gabriel and the references to “the vision” help to connect these chapters?
    1 - Daniel 8 is vision not dream like Daniel 7

    2 - Gabriel gives inital explanation in Daniel 8

    3 - Gabriel reappears in Dan. 9 to explain vision referring back to Dan. 8
  14. What was Daniel’s concern in his prayer in chapter 9?
    His concern was the sins of Israel and how they had greatly transgressed God’s law to the point that Daniel feared God would not keep his promise and return his people to Judah after seventy years of exile
  15. Daniels concern in Daniel 9 was that God might not keep his promise of freeing people after 70 years of excile because of Israel's sins.

    How is this connected with the book of Jeremiah?
    1 - Daniel is reading the book of Jeremiah concerning the 70 years of Judeah in exile.
  16. What were the circumstances of the 1st deportation of Judah mentioned in the Bible?
    1 - 605 B.C.

    2 - Daniel and his friends taken

    3 - Vessels of house of God are taken (Daniel 1:1)
  17. What were the circumstances of the 2nd deportation of Judah mentioned in the Bible?
    1 - 597 B.C.

    2 - Jehoiachin and upper class citizens taken (skilled workers)

    3 - Vessels are taken (II Kings 24:10-16)
  18. What were the circumstances of the 3rd deportation of Judah mentioned in the Bible?
    1 - 586 B.C.

    2 - END OF JUDAH, everyone save a few were taken (Zedekiah last king)

    3 - Remnants of Judah scrapped and taken (II Kings 25)
  19. Which one of the 3 deportations is significant of the 70 weeks, and why?
    The first one in 605 B.C.


    1 - Jeremiah 28 refers to Hananiah prophesying the return of all the temple vessels and all captives to which Jeremiah says “Amen” that this prophecy will come true

    2 -
    The decree to go back to Jerusalem by Cyrus the Great occurred at the end of 537 / 536 B.C.

    3 -
    If you count back 70 years from this decree you get 605 B.C. (The prophecy in Jeremiah refering to everyone being taken{including first captives})
  20. Describe the political reasons why Daniel had reason to be concerned about the fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy of 70 weeks.
    Babylon & Persia


    • 1 - Daniel was a prominent officer in the Babylonian court, he thought his power could be used to send the Jews back
    • 2 - Babylonian power waning, along with Daniel’s title

    3 - As long as Babylon was in power, the return was a possibility


    • 1 - New government coming in might strip Daniel of his title
    • 2 - New government meant new policies, one of which might not let the Jews go back

    3 - Chances of return were falling (according to Daniel) if Persian government was set up
  21. Describe the personal reasons why Daniel had reason to be concerned about the fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy of 70 weeks.
    • a - Daniel was getting old
    • b - Daniels contemporaries were old
    • c - Daniel saw sin
    • Daniel was getting old:

    1 - Was afraid he might not be able to make the trek back to Judah

    2 - Wanted to live to see this happen

    3 - Would be forced to retire because of age

    Daniel’s contemporaries were old:

    1 - The Jews that came with Daniel were either dead or dying, and might not make it back

    • 2 - The younger generation of Jews that grew up in Babylon might have remote memory of Jerusalem, but like Lot’s family might be so settled in they would not want to leave
    • 3 - If the opportunity to go opened up, no one would go
    • Daniel saw sin:

    1 - Younger generation worshipped idols and followed Babylonian system

    2 - This was the same exact reason for exile in the first place

    3 - Reason for exile still existent, exile might never end
  22. Describe the prophetic reasons why Daniel had reason to be concerned about the fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy of 70 weeks. (4 things)
    1 - Daniel’s vision in Chapter 8 of 2300 days not fully explained

    2 - Daniel probably speculated that this “trampling of the Law” would not end for 2300 days

    3 - If literal, then the time had already passed!!!

    4 - If prophetic, then it would be 2300 years before Israel would go back?!?!?!?!
  23. What reasons can be given for interpreting the "seventy weeks" of Daniel 9:24 as a period of 490 years?
    the Hebrew means literally "seventy sevens"

    Day for a year principle
  24. According to Daniel, What is supposed to be accomplished within the period of "seventy weeks?" (6 things)
    Problem of Sin

    1 - Finish Trangression

    2 - Make an end of sins

    3 - Make reconciliation for iniquity

    God's goodness

    4 - Bring in everlasting righteousness

    5 - Seal up the vision and prophecy

    6 - Anoint the most Holy
  25. Draw a diagram of the 70 weeks with all of it's sections.
  26. Why does the 490 year period begin in 457 B.C. and end in 34 A.D. and not in A.D. 33?
    The year "0" needs to be accounted for.
  27. Explain the Hebrew translation translated "the middle of the week" or "half of the week".

    Why is "the middle of the week" the prefered translation. (5 things)
    1 - Hebrew word "Hotzee"

    2 - Definition: "half, middle of"

    3 - The word is paird with "seven" (half/ middle of seven)

    4 - Can't use "half" to refer to time ... only to space

    5 - Since dealing with time "middle is best translation
  28. How does Jesus crucifixion fulfill the description of the events in "the middle of the week" mentioned in Daniel 9:27. (4 things)
    Says "anointed one" will cause sacrifices to cease

    1 - Sacrifices prior to Jesus point to messiah

    2 - If sacrifices ceased means no more sacrifices needed because ultimate sacrifice already paid

    3 - When Jesus crucified - vail torn from top to bottom

    4 - crucifixion must be the even refered to here
  29. What stipulations must be filled to qualify the crucifixion to fulfill the events in the "middle of the week?" (7 things)
    1 - Must be Sring A.D. 31 (Jesus death occurred in Passover - so around Spring)

    2 - Anointed one would cause the sacrifices to cease -- Jesus was confirmed Messiah in A.D. 27

    3 - half of week is 3 1/2 - Jesus died 3 1/2 after being baptized in A.D. 27

    4 - Must happen in 70th week after 69 weeks starting from 457 B.C.

    5 - Must happen in context of Jewish people (seventy weeks are determined for your people

    6 - Has to involve the annointed one

    • 7 - Has to involve the Sancutary -
    • a - Sacrifices cease
    • b - Curtain torn in two
    • c - Sanctuary involved shedding
    • blood - Jesus shed blood
  30. What are the three decrees suggested for the fulfillment to rebuild and restore Jerusalem?
    1 decree - Zerubbabel led leaders back in 536 B.C. which gave them right to return to temple

    2 decree - Reinstated 1st decree by Darius in 520 B.C. which continued temple building

    3 decree - issued in 7th year of Xerxes in 457 B.C. - restore and rebuild" Jerusalem
  31. Why does the 3rd decree in 7th year of Xerxes in 457 B.C. fit best than the other 2?
    - The third decree is of a reestablishing and reconstructing the infrastructure of the Jewish nation

    - restore and rebuild Jerusalem
  32. What is the date of the 3rd decree in the 7th year of Xerxes?
    457 B.C.
  33. Why do Adventist take the stand of 457 B.C. as the one refereing to begin the 70 weeks.
    Because they believe that Ezra came before Nehemiah
  34. What other dates have been suggested for decree?
    1 - 397/6 B.C. - Believed Artaxerxes II and not I ( Gramatical Error)

    2 - 428/7 B.C. - believed that it was the 37th and not the 7th year of Artaxerxes I (believing Nehemian came before Ezra)

    3 - 458/7 B.C. - Date of 7th year of Artaxerxes given in Ezra 7:7 - Believe Ezra came before Nehemian
  35. What is the difference between persian Calendar and Jewish Calendar
    Persian Calendar:

    1 - New Year festival begins Spring each year

    2 - If you begin reing of Artaxerxes I in spring of 465, then 7 years later its spring of 458 B.C.

    Jewish Calendar:

    1 - New year begins fall of each year.

    2 - if you begin Artaxerxes I in fall of 464 B.C., then 7 years later its 457 B.C.
  36. What happens in the end of 70 weeks.

    2 reasons why it's important?
    34 A.D. - Stoning of Stephen - Pauls conversion

    Important because

    1 - Gospel is not inclusive to Jews - now it goes to Gentiles

    2 - Official declaration that the Jewish nation rejected Jesus

    a- Stephen gave study outlining plan of salvation through Jesus.
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daniel test 3
review for test three