
  1. Immanuel Kant
    sepere aude! (dare to know!)

    • reconciled reason with empirical experience
    • foundation for modern philosophy
  2. glorious revolution
    limited English monarchy
  3. John Locke
    two treatises to limit government and protect citizens natural rights
  4. Voltaire
    wrote different types of treatises, led group of French called philosophes, unfailingly optimistic, committed to pursuit of scientific knowledge
  5. Montesquie
    "social critic", seperation of powers, individual liberties
  6. Diderot
    "social critic", 33 volume Encyclopedie with over 140 authors
  7. Rousseau
    "social critic", wrote entries on music for Diderot
  8. Thomas Paine
    Author of Common Sense, in favor of American Independence
  9. Adam Smith
    Author of "Wealth of Nations", argued for unrestrained economic freedom
  10. Mary Wollstonecraft
    Author of " Vindication of the Rights of Women", one of the first to argue egalitarianism
  11. Benjamin Franklin
    American exponent of Enlightenment, improved glass harmonica
  12. Thomas Jefferson
    American exponent of Enlightenment, violinist
  13. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
    Author of "Nathan the Wise", preached religious tolerance
  14. Johann Wolfgang Goethe and Friedrich Schiller
    two greatest poets and playwrights of German language
  15. Seven Years War
    AKA French and Indan War, France was defeated in 1763
  16. French Revolution
    1789, overthrow Louis XVI
  17. Reign of Terror
    1793-94, Enlightenment doctrines turned against the people, 1400 guillotined
  18. National Conservatory of Music
    Created by new French government to create propaganda for nationalism, failed to meet intended end
  19. John Kay
    Flying shuttle (1733), one weaver could do work of two
  20. James Hargreave
    Spinning Jenny (1760's), 8 and 16 threads at once
  21. Eli Whitney
    Cotton Gin (1793), increased slave reliance
  22. Thomas Newcomen
    Steam Engine, coal is everything, cities grow around coal mines
  23. Giovanni Battista Martini
    "Story della musica" or "History of Music", cover only ancient world
  24. John Hawkins
    "A General History of the Science and Practice of Music", first major music history in English
  25. Charles Burney
    Organist and Composer, "A General History of Music"
  26. Johann Nikolaus Forkel
    "Allgemeine Geschichte der Musik" or "General History of Music", covers only middle of the 16th century, public lectures on music appreciation
  27. John Mainwaring
    Author of "Memoirs of the Late G.F. Handel", first biography of a composer
  28. Vienna
    Home to Noble and Aristocratic families, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven
  29. David Hume
    author of "Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding", major intellectual force in 18th century
  30. John Locke
    Tabula Rosa or "blank slate"
  31. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    The Social Contract, attempt to remedy inequality in faculty
  32. Engraving Techniques
    Improved efficiency of music publication
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Classical Period Prelude Terms