ch 14 theory

  1. what are the four stages of development of gingivitis and peirodontitis?
    • initial lesion
    • early lesion
    • established lesion
    • advanced lesion
  2. an inflammatory response to dental biofilm occurs within ___-___ days of irritation from _________ __________
    • 2-4 days
    • bacterial accumulation
  3. T/F migration and infiltration of WBCs into the JE and gingival sulcus result from the natural body response to infectious agents
  4. T/F when there is an inflammatory response to dental biofilm, there is an increase of flow of gingival sulcus fluid
  5. what is the initial lesion?
    inflammatory response to dental biofilm
  6. in the initial lesion there is early breakdown of ________ of the supporting gingival fiber groups
  7. ______ fills the spaces in the CT during the initial lesion
  8. what is the clinical appearance of the initial lesion?
    • no clinical evidence of change
    • slight marginal redness with enlargement due to the fluid collection following as infection develops
  9. which lesion is the increased inflammatory response?
    the early lesion
  10. the dental biofilm becomes _____ and _____ in the early lesion in _____-_____ days (different for individuals)
    • older and thicker
    • 7-14 days
  11. in the _______ lesion, epithelium ________: epithelial extensions and _____ ridges are formed (JE migrates)
    • early
    • proliferates
    • rete
  12. infiltration of fluid, lymphocytes, and neutrophils with few plasma cells into the CT is what lesion?
    (too) early (in the morning) lesion
  13. clinical signs of the early lesion (3)
    • early gingivitis
    • reversible-biofilm control
    • lesion is established
  14. fluid and LEUKOCYTE migration into tissues and sulcus increase is _________ lesion
  15. the formation of the pocket epithelium in the established lesion is what three things?
    • -proliferation of the junctional and sulcular epithelium
    • -pocket epithelium- more permeable, ulceration of lining epithelium
    • -early pocket formation
  16. collagen destruction continues, CT fiber support lost. Progression to early periodontal lesion possible. which lesion is this?
    Established lesion
  17. describe the clinical appearance of established lesion
    • inflammation
    • marginal redness
    • BOP
    • spongy marginal gingiva
Card Set
ch 14 theory
ch 14 periodontal disease development