pathogenic micro.txt

  1. what are some characteristics of Nocardia?
    • gram positive
    • catalse positive
    • partially acid fast
    • filamentous rods
    • cell wall w mycolic acid
    • stric aerobe
    • growth on most nonselective media
  2. where is nocardia mostly found?
    it is mostly found in soil rich with organic matter
  3. what type of infection does nocardia cause?
    it causes exogeneous which is acquired by inhalation.
  4. who are at greatest risk for nocardia infection?
    this disease is most common in immunocompetent patient with t. cell deficiancy and people with skin wounds.
  5. what are some virulance factors associated with nocardia?
    • it is opportunistic
    • cord factor > prevents interacellular killing in phagocyte
    • catalase and superoxide dismatase >inactivates toxic oxygen metabolite
  6. what types of disease are generally associated with nocardia
    • bronchopulmonary
    • cellulitis
    • secondary central nervous system
    • potential for disseminating disease
  7. what types of treatment are available for nocardial infections?
    • sulfonamides
    • wound care
    • exposure can't be avoided
  8. what are some characteristics of R.equi
    • no hyphae
    • salmon pink
    • opportunistic
  9. who is mostly at risk with R.equi
    aids and cancer patients
  10. what types of disease it is most likely to cause ( R.equi)
    • Invasive pulmonary
    • Meningitis
  11. what types of antibiotics are available for R.equi treatment?
    • vancomycin / ciprofloxacin
    • however penicilin resistant
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pathogenic micro.txt
Gram positive