- tree
- dendrons, the highly branced portion of the neuron, conduct nerve impulses toward the cell body
- brain
- Encephalocele is a condition in which portions of the brain and meninges protrude through a bony midline defect in the skull. It is usually associated with a neural tube defect
- ganglion (knot or knotlike mass)
- A ganglion is a mass of nerve cell bodies (gray matter) in the peripheral nervous system
- glue; neuroglial
- A glioma is a tumor composed of neuroglial or supporting tissue of the nervous system
- thin, slender
- the leptomeninges include the pia mater and arachnoid, both of which are thin and elicate in structure, as opposed to the dura mater
- word, phrase
- Dyslexia is difficulty or inability with reading, including the tendency to reverse letters or words when reading or writing
mening/o; meningi/o
meninges (membranes covering brain and spinal cord)
- strength
- hypersthenia is a condition of excessive strength or tonicity of the body or a body part
- thalamus
- Thalamotomy is performed to treat intractable pain or psychoses
sheath (usually refers to meninges)
- tension
- Dystonia usually refers to a movement disorder characterized by sustained muscle contractions resulting in a persistently abnormal posture
ventricle (of heart or brain)
- weakness; debility
- my/asthenia - muscle weakness
- feeling
- Hyper/esthesia involves a marked sensitivity to touch, pain or other sensory stimuli
- movement
- hyper/kinesia - excessive movement; also called hyperactivity
- seizure
- narc/o/lepsy - seizure of sleep
- partial paralysis
- hemi/paresis - paralysis of 1/2 of the brain; also called hemiplegia
- speech
- a/phasia - without speech
- paralysis
- quadri/plegia - paralysis of four (extremities)
- order; coordination
- a/taxia - without coordination
- thick
- packy/mening/itis - inflammation of the dura mater
- dura mater is a thick membrane that provides protection for the brain and spinal cord
- union, together, joined
- syn/algia - referred pain
- Pain in a deteriorated hip commonly causes referred pain in a healthy knee
- one
- uni/later/al - pertaining to one side