Resp. lecture 3. (lower resp. disorders)

  1. Acute Bronchitis
    • An inflammation of the bronchi
    • Acute is following a URI
    • Chronic is COPD
  2. Bronchiolitis/Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
    An acture viral infection that is rare in children over age of 2. Mucous membranes swell and the lumina fill with mucous and exudate
  3. Pneumonia
    An inflammation of the repiratory bronchioles and alveoli following inhalation of a causative agent
  4. Pneumonia
    Acute Bacterial Pneumonia
    Spread by droplet infection; bacteria cause an inflammatory response including alveolar edema and formation of exudate which fills and consolidates in alveoli and bronchioles
  5. Types of Bacterial Pneumonia
    Lobar--consolidation of a large portion of the entire lung

    Bronchophneumonia--paatchy consolidation, usually involves several lobules
  6. Pneumonia
    Legionnaire's Disease
    A bronchopneumonia caused by Legionella pneumonphilia which is usually found in warm, standing water
  7. Pneumonia
    Primary Atypical Pneumonia
    • (walking pneumonia)
    • highly contagious, usually seen in settings with high populations of people living closely together
  8. Pneumonia
    Viral Pneumonia
    Relatively mild in contrast to other forms of pneumonia. exhibits "flu like" symptoms with a dry cough
  9. Pneumonia
    Pneumonocytis Carinii Pneumonia
    Occurs in 70-80% of pts with AIDS or those who are immunocompromised. Severely restricts gas exchange. Characterized by abrupt fever, SOB, and a dry nonproductive cough
  10. Pneumonia
    Aspiration Pneumonia
    Usually a result of the aspiration of gastric contents into the lungs; pts at risk include those who experience emergency surgery, have diminished or absent cough or gag reflexes or impaired swallowing
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Resp. lecture 3. (lower resp. disorders)