pathogenic micro.txt

  1. what are some gram positive rods that are in CMN group? and what are the distictive cell wall components?
    • Mycobacterium/corynebacterium/nocardia
    • the unusual cell wall component are
    • myolic acid
    • cord factor
    • arabinoglactan
  2. what is the difference in the myolic acid of the 3 bacteria in CMN group?
    • mycobacteria had the longest chanin and strongly acid fast
    • nocardia had the intermediate chain and weakly acid fast
    • corynebacteria has the shortest chain and not acid fast
  3. what are the two categories that corynebacterium falls under?
    pathogenic ( C.diphtheriae) non.pathogenic ( opportunistic and part of common microflora C.jeikeium )
  4. what are some characteristics of Corynebacteria
    • gram positive
    • peliomorphic
    • non.spore forming
    • metamprphic (methylene blue stain)
    • not acid fast
    • facultative anaerobe
    • enhanced by Co2
    • catalase +
    • grows waxy
    • ferments carbs to lactic acid
  5. what are some pathogenic factors associated with corynebacterium
    • cord factor
    • exotoxin ( result in phage conversion)
    • two component Toxin
    • potent inhibitor of protein synthesis
    • ADP ribosylation
  6. what are some toxin's associated with C.diphtherea
    • Type 3 toxin
    • A/b subunit toxin
    • .A subunit inhibits interacellular target
    • .b subunit mediate binding to target cell and internallization

    ** toxin action in C.diphtherea inactivate elongation factor 2 preventing protein sysnethis by ribsome
  7. what are some factors involved in pathogenisis
    • it is localized infection to tonsils and orpharynx and spread to larynx and trachea
    • sypm 2.5 days
    • fever
    • obstruction of airways

    ** common microflora
  8. what media does C.diphterease reduce and what color colonies are produced?
    it reduces CTA to produce black colonies
  9. what are some diagnostic ways ?
    • ELK test
    • Toxin test ( vivo test is animal ) vitro test (PCR)
  10. how does C.diphtrea spread ? what is the host? and where is it usually localized to ?
    • it is transmitted by aerosal droplet, and also carried by asymptomatic carriers
    • and in healthy is localized to oropharynx.
  11. what types of immunizations are present?
    passive and active(toxoid)
  12. what are some ways to treat C.diphtereae?
    • Antitoxin
    • penecilin G(erythromycin)
    • active passive immunization
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pathogenic micro.txt
Gram positive rod