Shoulder Flexion
- Position: Supine, arm on table
- Axis: Head of humerus in glenoid fossa
- Proximal Arm: Mid-axillary line to hip, greater trochanter.
- Distal arm: Mid-line of humerus, lateral epicondyle reference
- Sagittal plane around coronal axis
Shoulder Extension
- Sagittal plane around coronal axis
- POSITION- prone, arm on table, palm up, elbow straight
- AXIS- head of humerus in glenoid fossa
- PROXIMAL ARM- mid-axillary line to hip, greater trochanter
- DISTAL ARM- mid-line of humerus, lateral epicondyle as a reference
Shoulder ABduction
- Frontal plane around A-P axis
- POSITION- supine, forearm supinated, Palm toward ceiling
- AXIS- acromion process, A to P
- PROXIMAL ARM- parallel to sternum, lateral thorax area
- DISTAL ARM- midline of the humerus, medial epicondyle as a reference
Shoulder ADduction
- Frontal plane around A-P axis
- POSITION- supine, shoulder flexed to 90º, palm to opposite shoulder
- AXIS- acromion process, S to I
- PROXIMAL ARM- parallel to table pointing away from head, acromion as reference
- DISTAL ARM- anterior mid-humeral line
Shoulder - Internal Rotation
- Transverse plane around longitudinal axis
- POSITION- supine, shoulders abducted 90º, elbow flexed 90º, palm toward feet
- AXIS- olecranon process, sight a line through the shaft of the humerus
- PROXIMAL ARM- perpendicular to the table toward floor
- DISTAL ARM- midline of forearm to ulnar styloid
Shoulder - External Rotation
- Transverse plane around the longitudinal axis
- POSITION- supine, shoulder abducted 90º, elbow flexed 90º, palm toward feet
- AXIS- Olecranon process sight a line through humerus
- PROXIMAL ARM- Perpendicular to the table toward floor
- DISTAL ARM- midline of forearm to ulnar styloid
Elbow Flexion
- Sagittal plane around the coronal axis
- POSITION- supine, forearm supinated.
- AXIS- lateral epicondyle
- PROXIMAL ARM- mid-line lateral humerus, humeral head as reference
- DISTAL ARM- mid-line lateral forearm, radial styloid as reference
Elbow Extension
- Sagittal plane around coronal axis
- POSITION- supine, forearm supinated (raise humerus off table to visualize)
- AXIS- lateral epicondyle
- PROXIMAL ARM- mid-line lateral humerus, humeral head as reference
- DISTAL ARM- mid-line lateral forearm, radial styloid as reference
Wrist Flexion
- Sagittal plane around coronal axis
- POSITION- supine, elbow flexed 90º, palm toward feet
- AXIS- medial wrist through pisiform
- PROXIMAL ARM- medial mid-line of forearm, olecranon process as reference
- DISTAL ARM- medial hand, fifth MCP joint as reference
Wrist Extension
- Sagittal plane around coronal axis
- POSITION- supine, elbow flexed 90º, palm towards feet
- AXIS- medial wrist through pisiform
- PROXIMAL ARM- medial mid-line of forearm using olecranon process as reference
- DISTAL ARM- medial hand, fifth MCP joint as reference
Wrist Radial Deviation
- Frontal plane around A-P axis
- POSITION- supine, elbow flexed to 90º, palm to mid-line of body
- AXIS- mid-line of wrist near capitate
- PROXIMAL ARM- mid-line of posterior forearm
- DISTAL ARM- mid-line of dorsum hand, third MCP joint as reference
Hip Joint External Rotation
Hip Joint Internal Rotation