Cat Muscles; Yellow

  1. Acromiodeltoid

    • Location: Dorsal side, shoulder area
    • Origin: acromion process of scapula
    • Insertion: humerus
    • Movement: abduct humerus
    • Other: above spinodeltoid, top of shoulder on back

  2. what is muscle number 1
    Latissimus Dorsi

    • Location: dorsal and lateral
    • Origin: thoracic and lumbar vertebrae
    • Insertion: humerus
    • Movement:adducts humerus
    • Other: swimmers muscle, like a blanket, on side of chest
  3. Spinodeltoid

    • Location: Dorsal side, shoulder
    • Origin: spine of scapula
    • Insertion: humerus
    • Movement: abduct humerus, raise arm
    • Other: below acromiodeltoid

  4. muscle number 2?

    • Location: Dorsal side
    • Origin: thoracic vertebrae
    • Insertion: scapula
    • Movement: move pectoral girlde, shoulders, and posture support
    • Other: diamond shape over entire back, over thoracic vertebrae
  5. Triceps Brachii- Lateral Head

    • Location: forelimb, lateral
    • Origin: humerus
    • Insertion: ulna
    • Movement: extend elbow
    • Other: probe slide under, thin and wide
Card Set
Cat Muscles; Yellow
dorsal side, shoulder and stomach area