A&P Unit 8

  1. SANS does _____ and is called _________.
    • increases alertness,heart rate, BP, pulmonary airflow, blood flow to heart and skeletal muscle.
    • Reduces blood flow to skin/GI tract
    • Fight or Flight
  2. PANS does _____ and is called ____________.
    • Normal body maintenance
    • Feed or Breed or Resting and Digesting
  3. SANS is also called
    Thoracolumbar Division from thoracolumbar spinal cord
  4. SANS has (short/long) preganglionic neuron and (short/long) postganglionic neuron
    • Short
    • Long
  5. PANS has (short/long) preganglionic neuron and (short/long) postganglionic neuron
    • Long
    • Short
  6. Synapse in SANS occurs in:
    Sympathetic Chain of Ganglia
  7. PANS is also called
    Craniosacral Division
  8. Synapse in PANS occurs in:
    Terminal Ganglia
  9. Blocking Agents
    drugs that block adrenergic or cholinergic receptors
  10. Sympatolytics
    Block SANS. Drugs that block adrenergic receptors
  11. Parasympatholytics
    Block PANS. Drugs that block Cholinergic receptors
  12. Receptors
    • function: transduction
    • converts one form of energy to another
    • All receptors have the ability of SENSORY ADAPTATION
  13. Phasic Receptors
    adapt very quickly
  14. Tonic receptors
    adapt slowly and generate nerve signals more steadily
  15. Thermoreceptors
  16. Photoreceptors
  17. Nociceptors
  18. Chemoreceptors
  19. Mechanoreceptors
    Physical deformation of a cell
  20. Rods & Cones
    Photoreceptor cell of retina. Contains visual pigments
  21. Rods:
    • Contains visual pigment: RHODOPSIN
    • absorbs onle one wavelength of light: cannot distinguish colors.
    • responsible for NIGHT VISION
    • Doesn't take much light to see.
  22. Cones:
    • 3 kinds of cones, each absorbing a different wavelength of light.
    • Color Vision and Day Vision
  23. Emmetropia
    • Normal Vision
    • Relaxed eye, focused on object >6m away
  24. Accommodation
    • changing the curvature of the lens so you can focus on a nearby object
    • Lens becomes more convex
  25. Hyperopia
    • Farsightedness
    • Eyeball is too short
    • Tx: Convex lens
  26. Myopia
    • Nearsightedness
    • Eyeball is too long
    • Tx: Concave lens
  27. Presbyopia
    • Decreased ability for lens accommodation
    • Age-related change (lens gets stiffer)
  28. Astigmatism
    Deviation in shape of cornea
  29. Cataracts
    Clouding of lens
  30. Glaucoma
    • 1) Build up of Aqueous humor
    • 2) Increased Intraocular Pressure
    • 3) Compresses choroid (compromises blood supply)
    • 4) Retinal cells die
    • 5) Can result in irreversible blindness
  31. Conjunctivitis
    • inflammation of conjunctiva
    • Pink Eye
  32. Night Blindness
    Rods cannot function properly
  33. Macular Degeneration
    • Macula Lutea start to die
    • No focal vision but still have pheriferal vision
  34. Color Blindness
    Lack of one type of cone
  35. Vestibular Apparatus consist of
    Saccule & Utricle and Semicircular Ducts/Canals
  36. Saccule and Utricle Equilibrium is in
  37. Semicircular Ducts/Canals Equilibrium is in
    Christa Ampularis
  38. Static Equilibrium
    Still. Not moving
  39. Linear Acceleration
    Moving in a straight line
  40. Type of Equilibrium the Utricle and Saccule are responsible for
    Static Equilibrium and Linear Acceleration
  41. Angular Acceleration
    moving in different directions
  42. Type of Equilibrium the Semicircular Canals are responsible for
    Angular Acceleration
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A&P Unit 8
A&P Unit 8 Exam