perinatal loss

  1. What is grief?
    painful emotions & related behaviors & physical responces to a major loss or perceived loss
  2. What are some examples of perinatal loss? (4)
    • 1. congenital deformity/birth trauma
    • 2. premature birth
    • 3. miscarriage <20 weeks
    • 4. fetal death/stillborn
  3. Can you say:
    Oh, you can have other children.
    No, its doesnt help with the loss of this child
  4. Can you say:

    It's good it happened before you get to know & love the baby
    No, mother bonds through the pregnancy
  5. Can you say:

    Its better this way since these babies usually have something wrong with them
  6. Can you say:

    At least you have other healthy children
  7. Can you say:

    I'm sorry, I can't imagine how difficult it is!
  8. What are the 3 greif responces to premature delivery?
    • 1. acute distress
    • 2. intense grief
    • 3. reorgainization
  9. In grief responces to premature delivery: what are the acute distress: (5)
    • 1. shock
    • 2. denial
    • 3. numbness
    • 4. crying
    • 5. depression
  10. In grief responces to premature delivery: what are the intense grief: (11)
    • 1. lonliness
    • 2. yearning
    • 3. anger
    • 4. guilt
    • 5. resentment
    • 6. fear
    • 7. anxiety
    • 8. chaos
    • 9. sadness
    • 10. poor cognitive processing
    • 11. physical symptoms
  11. In grief responces to premature delivery, what are the reorginization (4)
    • 1. search for meaning
    • 2. decreased distress
    • 3. ability to make future plans
    • 4. re-enter normal life activities with more enthusiasm
  12. There are several nursing stategies for support, what are they?
    • 1. respect cultural traditions
    • 2. speak clearly & honestly
    • 3. anticipate needs & desires
    • 4. include entire family
    • 5. respect the wishes of the parents
    • 6. name and call the baby by the name
    • 7. parents holding & providing care as appropriate
    • 8. alone time if wanted
    • 9. always treat with the same respect as you would if they was alive
    • 10. help with the transition from hospital to home
    • 11. help with the communication of other friends/family
    • 12. be alert for spiritual needs
    • 13. assess coping skills/strengths
  13. What are good communication techniques used to help support family for the NURSE?
    • 1. leading
    • 2. silence
    • 3. nonverbal
    • 4. open ended
    • 5. avoid chiches
  14. What are good mementos for the parents? (3)
    • 1. arm band
    • 2. lock of hair
    • 3. blanket

  15. What are some resources/follow up care to provide after d/c?
    • follow up cards/calls
    • memorial walks/services
    • support groups
  16. Most parents ask you, if there baby is in pain, what do you say?
    You tell them what you see.
  17. What is the best thing for the nurse to do?
    Stay in silence and just listen and be there for them
  18. Can you cry with the parents?
  19. How long do you keep the pictures?
    at least 1 year
  20. What are some special circumstance to keep in mind?
    • 1. loss of one set of multiples
    • 2. adolescents feel guilty and negative
    • 3. fertility situations: alot of money involved
    • 4. infants who die immediately that no one anticipates
    • 5. negative prenatal diagnostic test (death/deformity)
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perinatal loss