
  1. What does joint distraction do?
    may reduce pain originating form joint injury or inflammation or from nerve root compression
  2. Percentage of body weight needed for lumbar and cervical tracion.
    • lumbar 50% body weight
    • cervial 7% body weight
  3. How does traction stretch soft tissue?
    • can increase the length of the soft tissues in the area
    • increasing the length of soft tissues can help with
    • spinal joint distraction or reduction of disc protrusion
    • increasing spinal ROM
    • decrease pressure on the faccet joints
  4. How does traction relax muscles?
    Facilitates reaxation of the paraspinal muscles
  5. How does traction increase joint mobility?
    • traction is a means tot mobilize joints in order to increase joint mobility or decrease joint related to pain
    • joint mobility increased due to stretching of the surrounding soft tissue
  6. Indication for Traction
    • Disc duldge or herniation
    • nerve root impingment
    • joint hypemobility
    • subacute joint infalmmation
    • papaspinal muscle spasm
  7. Contraindications for Tracion
    • where motion in contraindicated
    • with acute injury or inflammation
    • joint hypermobility or instability
    • peripheralization of symptoms with traction
    • uncontrolled hypertension
    • spinal infections or caner
    • spinal cord pressure
    • rheumatoid arthritis
    • osteoporosis
    • prolonged steroid use
    • recent frature
  8. Precations for Traction
    • ligamentous strains and joing hypermobility
    • acute stages of injury
    • traction anxiety
    • cardiac or respiratory insufficiency
    • pregnancy
    • displacement of annular ligametn
    • medial disc protrusion
    • severe pain fully relieved by treaction
    • dentures
  9. Conditions to look for when first applying traction
    • symptoms become more severe
    • peripheralize
    • increase in distribution
    • progress to other domains
    • pain changed to weakness numbness or tingling
  10. Positive reaction to Traction
    • decreased pain with decreased neurological signs usually are an indication that the condition is resolving
    • increased central pain decreased peripheral pain
  11. Negative response to Traction
    • Decreased pain but increased in neuroligical signs indicate increased pressure to a nerve root, causing sensory deficits motor weakness or both
    • Decreased central pain with increased peripheral pain indicate increased nerve root irritation
  12. Application Techniques of Tracion
    • Use of electric and weighted mechanical devices
    • self traction
    • positional traction
    • manual tracion
    • inversion techniques
    • auto traction
    • cottrell 90/90 tracion
  13. Mechanical tracion
    • can be applied to the lumbar and cervial spine
    • electric mechanical traction units can apply atatic or intermittent traction
  14. Define Static
    same amount of force is applied throughout the treatment session
  15. Define Intermittent
    Tracion force alternated between two set point every few seconds thourghtout the treatment session
  16. Leg position that focuses on the upper spine for lumbar tracion?
    • Flexion
    • upper lumbar and lower thoracic
  17. Leg position that focuses on lower lumbar
    neutral or extension
  18. Patient positioning for cervical spine while sitting
    • flexion, rotation and side bending can be adjusted for patient comfort and to direct forece to disiered area
    • flexed focuses on the lower cervical spine
    • extendes focuses on the upper cervial spine
    • max elongation of posterior structures is achieved with 25-30 degrees of flexion
  19. Coefficent of Friction
    • force resisting motions between 2 surfaces
    • amoutn of resistance depends on magnitude of force compressing objects togeher
    • to overcome friction a forece of 1/4 the body weight is nexissary with lumbar traction
    • split tractin table eliminates friction
  20. Advantages to Mechanical Tracion
    • force and time well controlled readily graded and replicable
    • once applied does not require the clinician to be with the pt
    • electrical mech traction devices like over the door treaction are inexpensive and convenient for independent use by the pt at home
  21. Disadvantages of mechanical traction
    • expensive electric machanical devices
    • time consuming to set up
    • lack of pt control or participation
    • restriction by belds or halter poorly tolerated by some
    • mobilized broad regions of the spine rate than individual spinal segments potentially creating hypermobility in normal joint
  22. Define Self Traction
    a form of traction tat uses gravity and the weight of the pt body or foece exterted by the pt to exert a distractive force on the spine
  23. Self Traction options
    • sitting
    • between corner counters
    • overhead bar
    • door
    • supine
  24. Advantages of Self Traction
    • minimal or no equipment needed
    • easy for pt to perform
    • easy for pt to control
    • can be performed in many environments and thus many times during the day
  25. Disadvantages of Self Traction
    • low maximum force therefore may not be effective
    • requires strong injury free upper extremities
    • can't be performed on the cervical spine
    • no research data to support
    • pt my have good posture awareness
  26. Positional Tracion
    • involves prolonged placement of the pt in a postion that places tension on one side of the lumbar spine only
    • doesn't cause joint distraction it may help with muscle spasm and stretch soft tissue
  27. Advantages of positional traction
    • requires no equipment or assistance
    • inexpensive
    • can be applied by the pt at home
    • low force not likely to aggravate an irritable condition
    • position easily adjustable
  28. Disadvantages of positional traction
    • low force not likely to be effective here joint distaction is required
    • requires agility and skill by the pt to perform correctly
    • no research
  29. Manual Traction
    • the application of force by the therapist in the direction to distract the joints
    • used on cervical and lumbar
    • classified as manual therapy
    • allows the therapist to feel the patients reaction
    • exact amout of force can't be quantified or aniticipated by the pt
    • can be limited by therapist strength and fatigue
  30. Advantages of of manual traction
    • no equipmetn required
    • short setup time
    • force can be finely graded
    • clinicaian is present throughout trreatment
    • can be applied briefly to determine if mechanical traction should be used
    • can be used with pt who do not tolerate being placed in halters or belts
  31. Disadvantages of Manual traction
    • limited max traction force
    • amount of force can't be easily replicated or specifically recorded
    • can't be applied for prolonged period of time
    • required a skilled clinician
  32. Time and Frequency
    • Intermittent tractin is usually performed for 20-30 mins
    • Sustained traction is done for 3-30 mins at low weights
    • may be done daily, twice daily, or 2-3 times a week
  33. Documentation
    • type
    • area
    • position
    • type of halter
    • max force
    • total treatment time
    • response to treatment
    • in intermittent used hold and relax times
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traction for PTA