Sociology Test 3

  1. What is Race:
    A socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important.
  2. What is Ethnicity:
    A shared cultural heritage.
  3. Researchers have found that biracial and multiracial people choose different racial identities in different settings, depending on whom they are with(harris& Sim, 2002)

    Have you ever experienced such a "Racial shift"?
    Biracial & Multiracial persons usually have diverse background. For instance a black/white teen may choose to "fit in" with either group depending on upbringing.
  4. Ethnicity:
    Is a shared cultural heritage. An ethnic category based on common ancestors, language, and religion that give them a distinctive social identity.
  5. Minority:
    is any category of people distinguished by physical or cultural difference that a society sets apart and subordinates.
  6. Do you think all U.S. people of color, rich and poor alike, should be considered minorities? Why or why not?
    If every one were treated like a minority, none would have the mentality of a majority.
  7. Minority:
    Any category of people distinguished by physical or cultural difference that a society sets apart and subordinates.
  8. Prejudice:
    A rigid and unfair generalization about an entire category of people.
  9. Stereotype:
    A simplified description applied to every person in some category.
  10. Do you see stereotypes in common phrases such as "French Kiss," "Dutch Treat," "Indian Giver," or "gypped"?
    Yes, many english words stem from other cultures. Jerry Rig, Jewed, ect
  11. social distance:
    refers to how closely people are willing to interact with members of some category.

    ~Emory Boardus(1925) social distance scale - Asked college students in usa, how closely they were willing to interact with people in thirty racial and ethnic categories.
  12. Racism:
    The belief that one racial category is innately superior or inferior to another
  13. Scapegoat:
    A person or category of people, typically with little power, whom other people unfairly blame for their own troubles.
  14. 4 Theories of Prejudice:
    • Scapegoat Theory: holds that prejudice springs from frustration among people who are themselves disadvantaged.
    • Authoritarian Personality Theory: Adorno(1950) Indicating that people who show strong prejudice toward one minority usually are intolerant of all minorities, rigidly conform to conventional cultural values.
    • Culture Theory: Prejudice is part of the culture in which we all live and learn. Same attitudes toward specific racial and ethnic categories. close to some, distant from others.
    • Conflict Theory: Prejudice is used as a tool by powerful people not only to justify privilege for themselves but also to oppress others. Mexican farm workers.
  15. Discrimination:
    Unequal treatment of various categories of people. Prejudice refers to attitudes; discrimination is a matter of action.
  16. Institutional prejudice and discrimination:
    Bias built into the operation of society's institutions. Ex. mortgage apps from minorities at higher rate.
  17. Brown V. Board of Education of Topka:
Card Set
Sociology Test 3
Race, Family, religion, and education