This is the __________________. What does it say?
Beringia Theory
- Scientific thought the the first Americans in 10,000 B.C. traveled from Asia to North America across the land Bridge of Beringia. The people were in search of food and then adapted to their environment. For example, they began agriculture which caused them to settle in one spot.
List three physical features in the Iroquois environment.
- Finger Lakes
- Allegheny Plateu
- Hudson River
2 ways the Iroquois adapted to their environment
- Slash and burn - burning down forests and trees to make room and purify the soil
- Bent trees to make longhouses.
Womens role in Iroquois society.
Family founders, picked the men (sachem) to be in charge.
The Iroquois Government
- Iroquois Confederacy
- Marilineal - Women were in charge
- Women picked the men to be in the council
- Made for peace (Deganawida)
List 4 things a civilization has and what is a civilization?
A group of people who have, a record keeping system, some sort of trade, beliefs/religion, a government, agriculrtue, and permanent homes.
What is a primary source?
Something that tells about an event that happened. It was made at the time of the event.
Give examples of a primary source
Diaries, artifacts, documents, Declaration of Independence, etc.
What are advantages to a primary source?
They are straight fact. Even if it is an opinion, it is a fact of his/her beliefs.
What are some disadvantages of a primary source?
They only tell a little bit of information at a time and some times can be biased (someone's opinion).
What is a secondary source?
A secondary source is a re-telling of an event. It is more of a summary and is made after the time of the event.
What are some examples of a secondary source?
Teacher, textbook, one of those really corny videos..., etc.
What are advantages to a secondary source?
It is more straight forward than a primary source. (A primary source may be written with cofusing words, but the text book summarizes it.) It also usually contains more information because it is taking a bunch of primary sources and then putting them together.
What are some disadvantages of a secondary source?
A secondary source is only as good as the author interprets the primary source. For example, the Bill of Rights, amendment two, says "You have the right to bear arms", and the author thinks it means to pretend to have bear arms, then the secondary source is not very accurate.
What allowed early civilizations to stop being nomadic?
Agriculture became a reason many people settled. Also, if the climate was good for them, they would also settle.
How did Native American adapt to their environment? Be specific.
Native American people used their natural resources in order to adapt to their environment. For example, the Iroquois made lonhouses by bending their many trees, while the Inuit killed animals for their fur to stay warm.
Explain the early Native American view on land ownership
The Native Americans felt that their land wasn't their land, but everyone's land. They shared it.
Explain how they meet the criteria to be classified as civilized
- Permanent
- settlement – Longhouses – cleared areas in NYRecord
- keeping – Wampum – belt of patters – oral traditionGovernment
- – Council – GL of peace – elect chiefsReligion
- – Creation story – polytheistic – 3 sistersSpecialized
- jobs – matrilineal – women = leaderAgriculture
- – slash and burn – 3 sisters
To adjust to change to meet new circumstances
An advanced culture with agriculture,gov ernnment, record keeping, religion, andspecialized jobs
The primary crops grown by theIroquois due to the short growing season
Corn, beans, and squash
Teachers and textbooks are examples of a ___________ ____________.
Secondary Source
A wanderer in search of food
The Iroquois built these shelters out of local wood
The time period during which the f irst Americans traveled
Ice Age
location of the Iroquois (what state, what main area?)
They lived in New York, around the Finger Lakes
Diaries, photos and interv iews are all examples of a _________ ________.
Primary Sources
the name of the most accepted theory on how people came to the Western Hemisphere
Beringia Theory
The direction the earliest Native Americans traveled as they entered North America
- Southeast

Continent the first Americans traveled FROM.
The Continent that the Early People traveled TO.
North America
This was necessary for nomads to settle down and develop civilizations
This determined how most early Native cultures developed
The study of people, places, events and dates
Great Law of Peace
The constitution of the Iroqouis containing 117 laws about peace, life, and war.
A man that Deganawida named and he spread the word of peace. He also persuaded the five tribes to meet together to make peace.
A man with good speaing skills who hated war. He spread the word of peace.
What are the five nations of the Iroqouis?
Remember SCOOM?
- Seneca
- Cayuga
- Onondaga
- Oneida
- Mohawk
- Together, they make the Iroquois Confederacy