Nervous System Abnormal Findings

  1. Loss of visual fields may be seen in retinal damage or with lesions on what CN?
    CN II-Optic
  2. What is papilledema?
    Swelling of the optic nerve-results in blurred optic disc margins and dilated pulsating veins
  3. Limited eye movement through the six cardinal fields of gaze is caused by...?
    Increased intracranial pressure
  4. Paralytic strabisimus can result from paralysis of what 3 nerves?
    • Oculomotor
    • Trochlear
    • Abducens
  5. Dilated pupil (6-7 mm) can result from paralysis of what nerve?
  6. Unilateral weakness of the eye may indicate a lesion of what CN?
    CN V-Trigeminal
  7. Inability to feel and correctly identify facial stimuli occurs with lesions of what CN nerve?
    CN V-Trigeminal
  8. An absent corneal reflex may be noted with lesions of what 2 CN nerves?
    • CN V-Trigeminal
    • CN VII-Facial (Motor part)
  9. The inability to close eyes, wrinkle forehead,...., along with paralysis of the lower part of the face on the affected side is seen with Bell's palsy which is an injury to which CN?
    CN VII-Facial
  10. The inablity to idenitify correct flavor on anterior two-thirds of the tongue suggests impairment of what CN?
    CN VII-Facial
  11. Vibratory sound lateralizes to the good ear in sensoneural loss.
  12. Soft palate does not rise with bilateral lesions of what CN?
    CN X-Vagus
  13. An absent gag reflex may be seen with lesions of what 2 cranial nerves?
    • CN IX-Glossopharyngeal
    • CN X-Vagus
  14. Dysphagia or hoarseness may indicate a lesion of what 2 CNs?
    • CN IX-Glossopharyngeal
    • CN X-Vagus
  15. Asymmetric muscle contraction may be seen with paralysis of what CN?
    CN XI-Spinal accessory
  16. If client is unable to turn head against resistance, there might be an injury to which CN?
    CN XI-Spinal accessory
  17. Deviation of the tongue to the affected side is seen with a unilateral lesion of what CN?
  18. Rigid muscles that resist passive movement are seen with abnormalities of what tract?
    Extrapyramidal tract
  19. Swaying and moving the feet apart to prevent from falling is a positive or negative Romberg test?
    Positive Romberg Test
  20. Loss of positional sense and inability to touch tip of nose are seen with what disease?
    Cerebellar disease
  21. Anesthesia-absence of touch sensation
    Hypesthesia-Decreased sensitivity to touch
    Hyperesthesia-Increased sensitivity
    Analgesia-Abasence of pain sensation
    Hypalgesia-Decreased sensitivity to pain
    Hyperalgesia-Increased sensitivity to pain
  22. The inability to correctly identify objects is called?
  23. Extension of the big toe and fanning of all toes after assessing a plantar reflex is what?
    A positive Babinski response
  24. Pain and flexion of the hips and knees after testing for meningeal irritation are what signs?
    Positive Brudzinski's signs
  25. Pain and increased resistence to extending the knee after testing for meningeal irritation are what signs?
    Positive Kernig's sign-When the Kernig's sign is bilateral, the examiner suspects meningeal irritation
Card Set
Nervous System Abnormal Findings
Abnormal Findings of Neuro