
  1. What is water used for
    • Homeostasis
    • Regulate body temp
    • Lubricate
    • Shape and rigidity to cells
    • Solvent
  2. How much water is in the human body
    • 2/3 of human is made up of water
    • 70% of water is in the cells
    • 20% is in the surrounding cells and tissue
    • 10% is in the blood stream
  3. What is dehydreation
    when the brain and the kidneys can no longer manage fluid imbalance in the body.
  4. what does calcium do
    • strengthens the bones and teeth.
    • helps regulate the heartbeat and muscle and nerve functions
  5. Calcium deficiency
    • muscle spams
    • poor bone health
    • osteoporosis
  6. Phosphorus
    • balances acid-base levels in the body
    • part of the DNA and RNA structures
  7. Toxicity of phosphorus
    it causes calcium excretion from the body
  8. Iron
    • part of protein in hemoglobin
    • necessary for utilization of energy
  9. deficiency of iron
    • weakness
    • pallor
    • headaches
    • fatigue
    • palpations
  10. toxicity of iron
    increase of heart attack
  11. What are the major minerals
    • Calcium
    • Chloride
    • Magnesium
    • Phosphorus
    • Potassium
    • Sodium
    • Sulfur
  12. Zinc
    • component of insulin
    • wound healing
    • facilitates sperm production
  13. zinc deficiency
    • impaired growth
    • delayed sexual development
    • poor wound healing
    • loss of taste
  14. toxicity of zinc
    • GI distress
    • decrease iron and copper levels of HDL
  15. Iodine
    • regulates growth and development, basal metabolic rate and body temp.
    • Thyroid gland
  16. deficiency of iodine
    • Goiters
    • weight gain
    • sluggishness
  17. toxicity of iodine
    can cause iodine reduced goiters
  18. Sodium
    • helps regulate water in the body's blood and tissue.
    • critical to nerve impulses
  19. deficiency of sodium
    • muscle cramps
    • mental apathy
    • loss of appitite
    • fatigue
  20. toxicity of sodium
  21. Potassium
    • facilitates reactions like nerve and muscle functions
    • maintain fluid and blood pressure in the body
  22. deficiency of potassium
    • muscle weakness
    • fatigue
    • hypertension
    • death
    • confusion
    • decrease heart rate
  23. toxicity of potassium
    • muscle weakness
    • vommiting
    • cardiac arrest
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