pharamcotherapy exam 3 adhd

  1. what is DSM IV criteria for Dx
    • must meet >6 symptoms of impulsivity, inattention, and or hyperactivity
    • impair social, academic or occupational function
    • rule out other psych illnesses
    • usually symptoms present before 6, dx between 6-7 involves 2 environments
  2. what are benefits of psyhchostimulants
    • increased attention span
    • decreased hyperactivity
    • improved impulse control
    • social benefits
    • emotional stability
    • improved motor skils
  3. what are adverse effects of psychostimulants
    • appetite suppression
    • cardiovascular
    • insomnia
    • headach
    • nausea
    • tics
    • LESS COMMON--anxiety, mood changs, increased irritbaility, growth stunting not clinically significant
  4. what is good about once a day dosing
    • improved compliance
    • decreased interuptions during school
    • decreaed involvment of school personel
    • some patients require additional symptomcoverage with short acting formulations
  5. whats a non stimulant option for adhd
    • atomoxetine--stratera
    • ne reuptake inhibitor
    • caution with renal/hepatic impairment
    • ADRs--ha insomnia, gi xerostomia
    • 4-6 weeks for max response
  6. what are alpha 2 agonists pharamcotheapy for adhd
    • clonidine or guanfacine
    • decresases ne which may target impulsive behavior
    • onset 2-4 weeks sedation with clonidine>guanfacine, titration of dose to multiple doses per day, usually start at bedtime nd increase slowly
  7. what do you use alpha 2 agonsists for
    • tourette syndrom,
    • aggressive syndrom
    • adhd--decrese motor activity and arousal, less effect on inattention
  8. adverse effects of alpha two agonists
    • drowsiness
    • dry mouth
    • hypotension
    • bradycardia
    • dizziness
    • depression
    • reboudn hypertension if stopped abrubtly
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pharamcotherapy exam 3 adhd
pharmacotherapy of ADHD