True ribs (also known as vertebrocostal) are ribs which attach directly to the sternum through their own costal cartilage. Ribs 1-7 are true ribs and attach directly, both anteriorly and posteriorly
What are "false" ribs?
False ribs (also known as vertbrochondral) are ribs that have cartilages that join with rib just superior and thus connect with the sternum indirectly. Ribs 8-10 are falso ribs and attach to sternum via common cartilage
What are "floating" ribs?
Floating ribs (also known as free) ribs have rudimentary cartilage that do not connect even indirectly with the sternum. Ribs 11-12 are floating ribs and have no anterior articulation (connection)
The ____ ____ on rib number ____ attach to ____ and ____.
1st rib
Ribs are most commonly injured...
Just anterior to its angler where it is weakest; middle ribs (5-9) are most commonly fractured because they aren't protected and are the longest
Are ribs 1-4 typically injured?
No; ribs 1-4 are rarely injured because they are fairly short and protected by the clavicle
1st Rib
Sharpest curve
Broadest (the broader the rib is, the more muscles can attach)
2nd Rib
2 facets; one attaches to T1 and the other attaches to 1st rib
Ribs 3-9
Articulate (attach) with corresponding vertebra and the one superior (above). Example: Rib 3 articulates with T3 and T2
10th Rib
Has one facet
Ribs 11-12
Short with one facet
No neck or tubercles (because they do not attach at the anterior aspect)