Unit 2

  1. 8000 B.C.E.
    Beginnings of agriculture
  2. 3000 BCE
    Beginnings of Bronze Age- early civ's
  3. 1300 B.C.E.
    Iron Age
  4. 6th centure B.C.E.
    life of Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tsu (beginnings of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism)
  5. 5th C BCE
    Greek Golden Age- philosophers
  6. 323 BCE
    Alexander the Great
  7. 221 BCE
    Qin unified China
  8. 32 CE
    Beginnings of Christianity
  9. 180 CE
    end of Pax Romania
  10. 220 CE
    end of Han dynasty
  11. 333
    Roman capitol moved to Constantinople
  12. 4th C
    Beginning of Trans-Saharan Trade Routes
  13. 476
    Fall of Rome
  14. 527
    Justinian rule of Byzantine Empire
  15. 632
    Rise of Islam
  16. 732
    Battle of Tours (end of Muslim move into France)
  17. 1054
    1st Schism in Christian Church
  18. 1066
    Norman conquest of England
  19. 1071
    Battle of Manzikert (Seljuk Turks defeat Byz)
  20. 1095
    1st Crusade
  21. 1258
    Mongols sack Baghdad
  22. 1271-1295
    Marco Polo travels
  23. 1324
    Mansa Musa's pilgrimage
  24. 1325-1349
    travels of Ibn Battuta
  25. 1347-1348
    Bubonic plague in Europe
  26. 1433
    end of Zheng He's voyages/Rise of Ottomans
Card Set
Unit 2
Unit 2