PHARM week 8 ch 34, 31, 32

  1. what is a membrane potential?
    term used to indicate the differences in ion balances between the inside and outside of the cell.
  2. what is membrane potential measured in?
    millivolts (mV)
  3. the outside of the cell has more what than inside the cell?
    cations (positively charged ions)
  4. the cell membrane has pumps in it which?
    actively transport K+ and Na+ ions
  5. what is another name for an action potential?
    nerve impulse
  6. what is the pathway for an action potential?
    STIMULUS-> Na+ moves into the cell causing "depolarization"-> K+ moves out of the cell causing "repolarization" (resetting back to resting state)
  7. what are neurotransmitters?
    chemicals which get released from dendrites and "ferry" the impulse across a small gap to the next neuron
  8. what is another name for sympathomimetics?
    adrenergic (agonist) drugs
  9. what are sympathomimetics?
    mimic the actions of the catecholamine neurotransmitters (epi, norepi, and/or dopamine), so they trigger SNS stimulation.
  10. what does stimulation of the alpha adrenergic cause? what does it lead to?
    peripheral vasoconstriction-> increase BP
  11. what does stimulation of beta adrenergic receptors cause?
    • 1. increase in P
    • 2. bronchiodilation
  12. what kind of effects does sympathomimetics have?
    • 1. + inotropic effect
    • 2. + chronotropic effect
  13. what are the other names for sympatholytics?
    • 1. adrenergic antagonist
    • 2. adrenergic blocking drugs
  14. what are sympatholytics?
    inhibit SNS activity, thereby allowing therapeutic effects which counter the stress response.
Card Set
PHARM week 8 ch 34, 31, 32