Exam 1 Study Guide

  1. Several layers, or scales of life, are important to studyying interactions. Which is NOT an
    accurate demonstration of increasing complexity in the organization of life?

    D. consumers, producers, detrivores, prokaryotes
  2. Of the three-domaines for the classification of living organisms the eukarya domain includes __________.
    protists, fungi, plants, & animals
  3. True or False. The Hubble Telescope has been able to prove there's life beyond our biosphere.
  4. What is science?
    Science is a body of knowledge; a means of acquiring knowledge.
  5. The term 'species' refers to __________.
    organisms capable of reproducing
  6. The ultimate source of energy for the living world is from __________.
    the sun
  7. Organisms at the primary producer trophic level are unique in being able to perform __________.
  8. In the carbon cycle the degredation of dead material is accomplished by __________.
    beetles, termites, fungi, & other detritivores
  9. Large land vegetation formations with their respective living populations, nutrient cycling, etc. are called the Earth's __________.
  10. The most energy dense of the molecules of life are the __________.
  11. The 'Scientific Theory' will employ __________ to provide support for emerging concepts with explanatory potential.
    observations, hypotheses, and testing & analysis of results
  12. Science concerns itself only with explanations for natural phenomena, but not __________.
    aesthetic judgments, supernatural occurrences, & religious beliefs
  13. Living organisms will have the ability to __________.
    move & respond to the environment, engage in metabolism converting energy, & reproduce based on instructions in DNA
  14. Science is based on __________.
  15. A group of individuals of the same species occupying a given area defines a(n) __________.
  16. Population size depends upon __________.
    deahts & births, biotic potential, emigration & immigration, & generation intervals
  17. Interactions between two oganisms where both species benefit is considered __________.
  18. The age structure diagram for rapidly growing populations __________.
    is in the form of a pyramid & has a very broad base showing a large number of young
  19. A network of interactions that involves the cycling of materials and the flow of energy between a community and its physical environment is __________.
  20. Which is an example of a habitat?

    E. oral cavity
  21. What term refers to what an organism does & where it 'resides' in order to obtain resources for survive & reproduction?
  22. A one-way relationshp in which one species benefits at the expense of another is called __________.
  23. All ecosystems that support living systems are collectively referred to as __________.
    the biosphere
  24. In a natural community, primary consumers are __________.
  25. The Clark County population in Nevada is determined using an equation including _________.
    the number/residences counted from aerial photographs, the average number of individuals per residence (2.5) all of these, & the average occupancy rate of homes in a region/photograph (95%)
  26. Global warming due to human activity is __________.
    increasing the average air temperature of earth, increasing the number of species observed for the last time, noticeably increasing since the beginning of industrialization, & creating a hole in the stratosphere ozone layer
  27. Atmospheric gases, __________ in the troposhere are increasing in recent decades with global warming.
    methane, carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons
  28. The most productive biomes across the globes are the __________.
    tropical rain forests
  29. Rain shadows can be created __________.
    when moisture from ocean wind currents drops rain on one side of a mountain range, leaving the other side of the range dry
  30. Ecology is __________.
    the study of interactions living organisms have with each other & their environment
  31. Survivorship curves for many amphibian & insect species are often depicting __________.
    a high number of offspring born with a high percentage dying at young ages
  32. True or False. There is currently enough food to feed the human population.
  33. True or False. No population can expand indefinitely.
  34. The type of growth demonstrated over time by the human population growth curve is __________.
  35. An ecologically dominant species can be considered __________.
    a keystone species
  36. Biodiversity __________.
    • - can be considered to enhance a community's productivity
    • - means geographic dispersion of species
    • - means variability among individuals within a species
    • - can be described as a wide variety of species within a community
  37. In situations known as __________ one species has evolved to appear similar to another species with protective strategies.
  38. The most common elements, 96% of living systems include __________.
    carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), & nitrogen (N)
  39. Due to the number of electrons in the outer orbital of carbon, each atom prefers to form __________.
    four covalent bonds, often with hydrogen and oxygen and other carbon atoms
  40. According to the shell model of atom structure __________.
    the second, third, & fourth orbitals can hold 8 electrons
  41. The ability to acquire, store, transfer, or utilize energy to build up or tear down body tissues is called __________.
  42. The bond in table salt (NaCl) is __________.
  43. Water is important to living organisms because __________.
    • - of its cohesive properties
    • - of its temperature stabilizing effect
    • - it's a liquid at room temperature
    • - of the capacity to dissove many substances
  44. An ---NH2 group is a(n) __________ group.
  45. The breakdown of large molecules by the enzymatic addition of water is an example of what kind of reaction?
  46. Glucose can be found as the monomer of polysaccharides that include __________.
    • - glycogen & starch
    • - cellulose
    • - chitin
    • - amylose & amylopectin
  47. Chitin strengthens the structure of __________ and contains __________.
    animals and fungi; N attached to glucose
  48. List examples of lipids.
    steroids, triglycerides, oils, & waxes
  49. The primary structure of the bilayer of cell membranes is composed of __________.
  50. Monounsaturated fatty acids are characterized by __________.
    a single double bond in the carbon chain
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Exam 1 Study Guide
Exam 1