Spanish 11 A

  1. acampar
    to camp
  2. andar en moto todo terreno
    to ride an atv
  3. el arco y la flecha
    bow and arrow
  4. el banyi
    bungee jumping
  5. el botiquin
    first-aid kit
  6. buccear
    to scuba dive
  7. el campamento
    campsite, camp
  8. la caña de pescar
    fishing rod
  9. la cancha
    court (sports)
  10. el casco
  11. cazar
    to hunt
  12. el chaleco salvavidas
    life vest
  13. la competencia, la competición
    contest (sports)
  14. el/la corredor/a
  15. correr
    to run
  16. correr peligro
    to be in danger
  17. divertirse (ie, i)
    to have fun, to have a good time
  18. es increíble que
    it's incredible that
  19. escalar
    to climb (a mountain)
  20. esquiar en tabla
    to snowboard
  21. fracturar(se) (el brazo)
    to break (an arm)
  22. hacer escalada en roca (hielo)
    to rock (ice) climb
  23. hacer parapente
    to hang glide
  24. hacer windsurf
    to windsurf
  25. el/la jinete
    horseback rider
  26. montar una tienda de campaña
    to pitch a tent
  27. nadar
    to swim
  28. navegar a vela/en velcro
    to sail
  29. opino que
    my opinion is that
  30. pasrlo bien
    to have a good time
  31. pero hay que estar seguro de
    but we (you) must be sure that
  32. pescar
    to fish
  33. remar
    to row
  34. sudar
    to sweat
  35. aficionarse a
    to become interested in
  36. apostar (ue)
    to bet
  37. atreverse a
    to dare to
  38. cara o cruz
    heads of tails
  39. el cine
    movie theater, filmmaking
  40. coleccionar
    to collect (only for objects, not money)
  41. competier (i)
    to compete
  42. diestro/a
    skillful, cunning
  43. la estampilla
    postage stamp
  44. exhibir(se)
    to exhibit, to display
  45. la ficha
    chip, playing piece
  46. hacer trampa
    to cheat
  47. el juego de azar
    game of chance
  48. la jugada
    play, movie (in a game)
  49. la máquina tragamonedas
    slot machine
  50. la moneda
  51. el ocio
    free time
  52. la película
    movie, film
  53. retar a
    to dare (challenge)
  54. salir de juerga/de parranda
    to go out on the town
  55. el sello
  56. el sorteo
  57. el torneo
  58. torpe (con las manos)
    clumsy (all thumbs)
  59. la trampa
    deceit, trick
  60. trasnochar
    to stay up
Card Set
Spanish 11 A
ch 11 parte 1