andar en moto todo terreno
to ride an atv
el arco y la flecha
bow and arrow
el botiquin
first-aid kit
el campamento
campsite, camp
la caña de pescar
fishing rod
el chaleco salvavidas
life vest
la competencia, la competición
contest (sports)
correr peligro
to be in danger
divertirse (ie, i)
to have fun, to have a good time
es increíble que
it's incredible that
to climb (a mountain)
esquiar en tabla
to snowboard
fracturar(se) (el brazo)
to break (an arm)
hacer escalada en roca (hielo)
to rock (ice) climb
hacer parapente
to hang glide
hacer windsurf
to windsurf
el/la jinete
horseback rider
montar una tienda de campaña
to pitch a tent
navegar a vela/en velcro
to sail
opino que
my opinion is that
pasrlo bien
to have a good time
pero hay que estar seguro de
but we (you) must be sure that
aficionarse a
to become interested in
cara o cruz
heads of tails
el cine
movie theater, filmmaking
to collect (only for objects, not money)
skillful, cunning
la estampilla
postage stamp
to exhibit, to display
la ficha
chip, playing piece
el juego de azar
game of chance
la jugada
play, movie (in a game)
la máquina tragamonedas
slot machine
retar a
to dare (challenge)
salir de juerga/de parranda
to go out on the town
torpe (con las manos)
clumsy (all thumbs)