视听说:5 (留守儿童)

  1. 拷问
    • kao3 wen4
    • V. Interrogate with torture; third degree
  2. 繁重
    • fan2 zhong4
    • 形:heavy, strenerous, onerous
  3. 确实
    • que1 shi1
    • 动:lack, deficiency
  4. 群体
    • qun2 ti3
    • 名:colony, community, group
  5. 艰难
    • jian1nan2
    • 形:difficult; hard
  6. 撒娇
    • sa1 jiao1
    • 动:act like a spoiled child
  7. 遥不可及
    yao2 bu4 ke3 ji2

    too far to hold (possibly)
  8. 监护人
    • jian1 hu4 ren2
    • 名:guardian; custodian
  9. 争气
    • zheng1 qi4
    • 动:fight to excel
  10. 局限
    • ju2 xian4
    • 动:limit; confine
  11. 联络
    • lian2 luo4
    • 动:contact
  12. 停顿
    • ting2 dun4
    • 动:stop; hault; pause
  13. 惊讶
    • jing1 ya4
    • 形:amazed; astounded
  14. 焦虑
    • jiao1 lv4
    • 形:anxious; apprehensive
  15. 畏惧
    • wei4 ju4
    • 动:fear; dread
  16. 孤僻
    • gu1pi4
    • 形:unsociable and eccentric
  17. 古怪
    • gu3guai4
    • 形:eccentric; odd; strange
  18. 烦躁
    • fan2zao4
    • : be fidgety/ agitated
  19. 扭曲
    • niu3 qu1
    • 形:distort
  20. 施与
    • shi1yu3
    • 动:grant; bestow (must come from a person of higher position to one of lower position)
  21. 紧迫
    • jin3po4
    • 形:pressing; imminent
  22. 生计
    • sheng1ji4
    • 名:livelihood
  23. 窑洞
    • yao2dong4
    • 名:cave dwelling; opening of kiln
  24. 洪水

    名:flood; floodwater
  25. 慰藉
    • wei4jie4
    • 动:comfort; console
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视听说:5 (留守儿童)
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