Antiderivatives (aka Integrals)

  1. What is the integral of: f(x)=xp
    (xp+1 )/(p+1) +c
  2. What is the integral of: f(x)=cos(ax)
  3. What is the integral of: f(x)=sin(ax)
  4. What is the integral of: f(x)=sec2(ax)
  5. What is the integral of: f(x)=csc2(ax)
  6. What is the integral of: f(x)=sec(ax)tan(ax)
  7. What is the integral of: csc(ax)cot(ax)
  8. What is the integral of: f(x)=eax
  9. What is the integral of: f(x)=(1/x)
  10. What is the integral of: f(x)=1/sqrt(a2-x2)
  11. What is the integral of: 1/(a2+x2)
  12. What is the integral of: f(x)=1/[x*sqrt(x2-a2)]
  13. What is the integral of: f(x)=1/(x2+a2)
  14. What is the formula for integration by parts?
    Integral{udv}dx = uv - Int{vdu}dx
  15. What is the integral of: f(x)=ln(x)
    x ln(x) - x + C
  16. What is the integral of: f(x)= sec x dx
    ln|sec x + tan x| + C
  17. What is the integral of: f(x)= csc x dx
    -ln|csc x + cot x| + C
Card Set
Antiderivatives (aka Integrals)
Antiderivatives of all sorts of functions