
  1. The hard and soft tissues that support the teeth
  2. What are 3 components of periodontium?
    • cementum
    • alveolar bone
    • periodontal ligament
  3. Component of the periodontium that sits on the dentin in the root of the tooth
  4. Component of the periodontium that holds the teeth in the jaw
    alveolar bone
  5. component of the periodontium that connects the cementum to the bone and is made up of lots of fibers
    periodontal ligament
  6. Where does the cementum come from?
  7. The cementum covers the entire______of the tooth
  8. The________serves as one end of the attachment for the ligaments, the other end is_______________.
    • cementum
    • alveolar bone
  9. true or false. Cementum is avascular and has no innervation.
  10. Where does cementum get its nutrition? Why does it have to get it from there?
    • from the periodontal ligament
    • because it is avascular and has no innervation
  11. Cementum is________% mineralized
    Enamel is___________% mineralized
    Dentin is__________% mineralized
    • 65
    • 96
    • 70
  12. Why can't ameloblasts create enamel in the area where the cementum is?
    because the ameloblasts don't have their support structures (stellate reticulum)
  13. In the beginning of the development of cementum______________start laying dentin matrix
  14. Odontoblasts lay what structure?
    dentin matrix
  15. What induces the cells of the dental sac to differentiate into cementoblasts?
    newly formed dentin
  16. newly formed dentin____________the cells of the dental sac to______________into cementoblasts
    • induces
    • differentiate
  17. newly formed dentin induces the cells of the dental sac to differentiate into what?
  18. What are cementoblasts?
    cells that lay down cementoid or become cementocytes if they get caught in the matrix
  19. The cementoblasts lay their__________and some of them get caught in the matrix and become___________
    • cementoid
    • cementocytes
  20. The ends of the periodontal ligament that have embedded themselves into the cementum
    Sharpey's fibers
  21. where the cementum and the enamel meet
    cementoenamel junction
  22. What are the 3 types of meetings for the cementoenamel junction?
    • overlap
    • meet
    • gap
  23. Why is there overlap in the cementoenamel junction sometimes?
    because the enamel was formed first
  24. In what type of cementoenamel junction does the junction feel rough and may be confused with calculus?
  25. What is the ideal meeting type for the cementoenamel junction?
    meet perfectly in the middle
  26. Whay type of cementoenamel junction meeting has a space between the cementum and the enamel, leaving the underlying dentin exposed?
  27. What type of cementoenamel junction meeting can cause dentin hypersensitivity?
  28. name 2 types of lines you can see in cementum repair
    • reversal lines
    • arrest lines
  29. lines after cementum resorption, you can tell where the resorption stopped and started laying down new cementum, the cementum had been broken down, but it lays down new cementum
    reversal lines
  30. just like retzius lines with enamel and lines of Von Ebner with dentin
    arrest lines
  31. Name 2 types of cementum
    • acellular cementum
    • celllar cementum
  32. The first cementum to get laid down, it has no cementocytes
    acellular cementum
  33. the last cementum to get laid down, it is getting laid at a quicker pace so the cementoblasts get stuck in it
    cellular cementum
  34. What happens to the cementoblasts that don't get stuck in the cellular cementum?
    they migrate to the periphery of the cellular cementum and wait until they need to make more cementum
  35. What are 3 clinical considerations with cementum?
    • cementicles
    • cemental spurs
    • hypercementosis
  36. cementoblasts start to lay cementoid around cellular debris in the periodontal ligament, it can just float there or start to fuse with the cementum as more is laid
  37. the cementoid was laid down weird and caused a spur of cementum to come off at the CEJ, similar to enamel pearls
    cemental spur
  38. excessive production of cementum, usually a result of occlusal trauma
  39. What is the main difference between cementicles and cemental spurs?
    cementicles start non-connected to the tooth, and cemental spurs start connected to the tooth
  40. What is hypercementosis usually a result of?
    occlusal trauma
Card Set
Periodontium 1