Chpt 13

  1. Chpt 13:
  2. reflexive pronouns- 1st, 2nd, 3rd- mei, tui, sui
    • 1st; 2nd; 3rd
    • n/a; n/a; n/a
    • mei; tui; sui
    • mihi; tibi; sibi
    • me; te; se
    • me; te; se
    • ---------------
    • n/a; n/a; n/a
    • nostri; vestri; sui
    • nobis; vobis; sibi
    • nos; vos; se
    • nobis; vobis; se

    (myself, yourself, his/her/itself)
  3. reflexive possessives
    • 1st/2nd; 3rd
    • meus (my own)/ tuus (your own); suus, sua, suum
    • ...
    • noster (our own)/ vester (your own); sui, suae; sua
  4. intensive pronoun- ipse, ipsa, ipsum
    • (used to emphasize noun or pronoun)
    • M; F; N
    • ipse; ipsa; ipsum
    • ipsius; ipsius; ipsius
    • ipsi; ipsi; ipsi
    • ipsum; ipsam; ipsum
    • ipso; ipsa; ipso
    • -------------------
    • ipsi; ipsae; ipsa
    • ipsorum; ipsarum; ipsorum
    • ipsis; ipsis; ipsis
    • ipsos; ipsas; ipsa
    • ipsis; ipsis; ipsis
  5. divitiae, -arum
    (f pl)- riches, wealth
  6. factum, -i
    • (n)- deed, act, achievement
    • [feat]
  7. signum, -i
    • (n)- sign, signal, indication, seal
    • [insignia]
  8. ispse, ipsa, ipsum
    myself, yourself, himself/herself/itself
  9. quisque, quidque
    (indef pronoun)- each one, each person, each thing
  10. sui
    • (reflexive pron- 3rd person)- himself, herself, itself, themselves
    • [suicide]
  11. doctus, -a, -um
    • taught, learned, skilled
    • [doctrine]
  12. fortunatus, -a, -um
    lucky, fortunate, happy
  13. suus, -a, -um
    • (refl possessive adj- 3rd pers)-
    • his own, her own, its own; their own
  14. nam
    (conj)- for
  15. ante
    • (prep + acc)- before, in front of
    • [A.M.]
  16. per
    (prep + acc)- through
  17. dim
    (adv)- at that time, once
  18. alo, alere, alui, altum
    • to nourish
    • [aloe]
  19. diligo, diligere, dilexi, dilectum
    • to esteem, love
    • [diligence]
  20. iungo, iungere, iunxi, iunctum
    • to join
    • [junction]
  21. sto, stare, steti, statum
    • to stand, stand still, stand firm
    • [stature, statue]
Card Set
Chpt 13
Chpt 13 of Wheelock's introductory latin