Chpt 5

  1. Chpt 5:
  2. first and second conj: Future Tense
    • -bo; -bimus
    • -bis; -bitis
    • -bit; -bunt
  3. first and second conj: Imperfect Tense
    • -bam; -bamus
    • -bas; -batis
    • -bat; -bant
  4. adulscentia, -ae
    • (f)- youth, young manhood; youthfulness
    • [adolescence]
  5. animus, -i
    (m)- soul, spirit, mind
  6. caelum, -i
    • (n)- sky, heaven
    • [celestial]
  7. culpa, -ae
    • (f)- fault, blame
    • [culpable]
  8. gloria, -ae
    (f)- glory, fame
  9. verbum, -i
    • (n)- word
    • [verbal]
  10. te
    (abl and acc sing)- you, yourself
  11. liber, libera, liberum
    • free
    • [liberty]
  12. noster, nostra, nostrum
    our, ours
  13. pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum
    beautiful, handsome, fine
  14. sanus, -a, -um
    • sound, healthy, sane
    • [sanity]
  15. igitur
    (conj)- therefore, consequently
  16. -ne
    (enclitic)- *added to indicate a question*
  17. propter
    (prep + acc)- on account of, because of
  18. cras
    • (adv)- tomorrow
    • [procrastinate]
  19. heri
    (adv)- yesterday
  20. quando
    (interrogative and relative adv and conj)- when
  21. si quando
    (idiom)- if ever
  22. satis
    • (indecl noun, adj, and adv)- enough, sufficient
    • [satisfy]
  23. tum
    (adv)- then, at that time
  24. ceno, cenare, cenavi, cenatum
    to dine
  25. culpo, culpare, culpavi, culpatum
    to blame
  26. remaneo, remanere, remansi, remansum
    to remain, stay, stay behind, abide, continue
  27. maneo, manere, mansi, mansum
    to remain, stay, stay behind, abide, continue
  28. supero, superare, superavi, superatum
    • to be above, have the upper hand, surpass
    • [superior]
Card Set
Chpt 5
Chpt 5 Wheelock's introductory latin