GenPsych CH8

  1. The opening vignette of the memory chapter discusses the amazing memory ability of a fifty-nine year old man, Akira Harguchi, to recit digits of pi. What process in the human memory system was utilized in this feat?
  2. Imagine that you are server in a fancy restauran. When taking orders w/o writing anything down, w/c memory process will be used first?
  3. Your mom is always giving you grief about the way you study. You patiently try to explain in the concept of multitasking to her. You explain that individuals your age can study and play video games at the same time. Is your position supported by the information presented in the textbook?
    NO; studies have confirmed that the individuals do NOT do well on memory tests of information that was acquired while performing other tasks.
  4. Fifteen-year-old Matt and his father are in an electronics store looking at video game systems. Matt gives his father a complete breakdown of the pros and cons of each of the different video game systems on display. According to the theory of encoding processes, Matt is able to accurately recall all this information because he...
    has DEEPLY PROCESSED the information.
  5. Steve is studying for a vocabulary test. When he studies the word, "sail", he notices that it rhymes w/ "jail". Steve is processing this work at a(n)...
  6. Roger has just finished reading about Paiviao's dual-code hypothesis in his psychology class. He decides to use Paivio's method when he studies for his French vocabulary test. This means that Roger will...
    visualize the image associated with each French vocabulary word.
  7. You tell your friends about the great time you had at a famous vacation amusement park. Most of the information that you have forgotten about this experience was most likely processed in your..
  8. The sensory memory for w/c of the following have been studied LEAST?
  9. Imagine that you were a participant in Sperling's classic study on iconic memory. Why aren't you able to identify all the letters presented on the screen?
    In order to identify the letters, you need enough time to transfer the letter information from SENSORY MEMORY to SHORT-TERM MEMORY.
  10. George Miller's classic paper on the "magical" sevel plus or minus two phenomenon refers to a person's...
  11. After hearing a friend's telephone number for the first time, you are able to recite back to her all seven digits in perfect order. This feat is made possible by your...
  12. Joey call 411 to get the phone number of a friend. Joey doen't have anything to w/ w/c to write down the number, so he mentally rehearses the number over and over as soon as the operator dutifully supplies it. However, right after the number is presented, the operator continues her message w/ an offer to dial the number for Joey. Joey momentarily stops rehearsing the phone number so that he can listen to what the operator is saying. From a memory processing perspective, what will happen now?
    Interrupting rehearsal will cause the number to be lost from Joey's SHORT-TERM MEMORY.
  13. Photographic memory is knows as ____ and is _____.
  14. You are doing a service learning project at a local hospital. One of the patients, Mr. Lee, can talk for hours about his boyhood experiences. Visiting family and friends marvel at how well he remembers his past despite the fact that he has a memory span of about two digits. Baddeley would say that Mr. Lee has a problem with his...
  15. What would happen if you lost the ability to form new memories and could only remember the past few minutes of your life?
    You would live in a perpetual "present" w/o any memories of past events.
  16. You decide to go to a hypnotist to try to stop smoking. The hypnotist asks you to remember what it was like before you started smoking. Which memory system will you use to comply w/ this request?
  17. The concept of ideomotoring suggest that...
    an individual's social behavior can be impacted outside of their conscious awareness.
  18. During final exams, Doris wistfully fantisizes about having the ability to accurately recall the image of each page of each textbook w/ every details for each of her classes. She shares her fantasy w/ her roommate, Monique. Monique, a psychology major,
    scoff at Dori's fantasy and says that EIDETIC IMAGERY has been rarely documents.
  19. Priming is a phenomenon that has been found to result in...
  20. Semantic network theory differs from schema theory in that...
    SEMANTIC NETWORK THEORY maintains that memory involves specific facts whereas SCHEMA THEORY maintains that memories are fragmented reconstructions.
  21. People very quickly adapt to the procedures and behaviors appropriate in church. The general knowledge of how to behave in church is called a...
  22. According to the semantic network view of memory, memories are...
  23. One of the appeals of the connectionist view of memory is that...
    computer models of the connectionist theory have successfully predicted the results of some memory experiments.
  24. Long-term potentiation is a concept that explains...
    ... how memory functions at the neuronal level.
  25. During a visit at your friend's home on your first trip to England, your sense of smell is pleasantly aroused by the wondefully fragrant scent of roses. Suddenly, you are transported back in time to last summer. You are at your aunt's home and are standing on her front porch admiring her rose garden. You also suddenly remember that you had taken off your gold bracelet and laid in a flower pot on the porch for safe keeping. You call your aunt and...
    ... she finds your gold bracelet exactly where you remembered placing it.
  26. George has just graduated college and is going on his first big job interview. He has learned that there are 2 other applicants for the job. Because of information on the serial position effect that he learned in his psychology class, George asks to be either the first or the last candidate interviewed. Why?
    The serial position effect predicts that either the first or the last job applicant interviewed will be remembered better than the applicant interviewed second.
  27. Samantha prides herself in "never forgetting a face", although she frequently cannot put the correct name w/ a specific "face." According to your textbook, Samantha is really saying that she...
    ... is better at recognition than at recall.
  28. Your friend, Stella, just broke up w/ her boyfriend, had a fight w/ her parents, and was fired from her job. She wants to decide whether or not she should still consider going to medical school, but you suggest that she wait before she makes any major decisions. Is this sound advice?
    Yes; research on state dept. memory would predict that Stella would most likely just focus on her failures in her current state of mind and not apply to medical schools.
  29. According to your textbook, an individual's autobiographical memory...
    ... forms the core of the individual's personal identity.
  30. In his famous "I Have A Dream" speech, Martin Luther King Jr., share his vision for improved race relations in America. According to research on autobiographical memories, this speech indicates that Dr. King should be classified as:
    an individual whose self defining memories go from bad to good.
  31. As discussed in your textbook, several years after the event occurred, the children who were kidnapped at gunpoint on a school bus and then buried for 16 hours before escaping were documented as having the classic signs of:
  32. Your friend, Sheila, confides in you that she had recently remembered that her father had sexually molested her when she was a small child. Knowing that Sheila has been seeing a hypnotist for her smoking problem, you ask Sheila if she remembered the abuse in one of her hypnosis sessions. When Sheila confirms your hypothesis, you share with her the research findings on "recovered" memories. From the information presented in the Critical Controversy section of the memory chapter, what advice do you give Sheila?
    you ward Sheila that the accuracy of memories recovered under hypnosis is generally suspect.
  33. Carla is in a convenience store w/ seven other customers when an armed robber pulls a gun, has everyone get on the floor, and takes money from the cash register. The robber runs out the door and someone calls the police. While waiting for the police to arrive, the store employee and all the customers want to make sure they give an accurate account of the robbery and decide upon the relevant details to tell the police. According to the information presented in the textbook, what is a likely outcome of this collaborative sharing of information?
    the eyewitnesses will now report more similar accounts.
  34. A few years ago, you had a boyfriend name Steve. Now you have a new boyfriend named Stephen. Because of _____, you sometimes call Stephen by Steve's name.
  35. Although many people still have very strong feelings about the O.J. Simpson murder verdict, research by Daniel Schacter indicates most have forgotten the actual details of the trial. According to your textbook, this forgetting is due to:
  36. The past is to the future as _____ to _____.
    Retrospective memory; Prospective memory
  37. You drive to campus every day for class. On Thursday, you had planned to stop at the dry cleaners on your way home. You are all the way home before you realize you have forgotten to pick up your dry cleaning. Your absentmindedness was due to:
  38. Marilyn loves to watch her favorite soap opera on television. On one particular episode, the main character was diagnosed with amnesia after a near-fatal head injury. Although the character could not remember any p ost-injury people or events, his memory for people and events piror to his injury was perfect. Marilyn thinks this story line is absolutely absurd because amneisa involves a problem with old memories and not new events. Is Marilyn correct?
    No; amnesia involving new events is a documented disorder.
  39. In the systematic application of information from the science of memory to improving your study skills, the first step is to make sure...
    ... the material you're studying is accurate.
  40. The most vital aspect of autobiographical memories may be...
    ... it's social function.
  41. Both Suzie's parents suffered from Alzheimer's disease before they died. Although still in her early 40s, Suzie is very concerned about her own cognitive functioning. What advice can you give her based on what you know about the science of memory?
    "Engage in the most challenging cognitive task that you can as frequently as you can".
  42. You are amazed at how the server in fancy restaurant remember accurately all the orders from you and your 11 friends w/o writing down any of the orders. It is likely, however, that while the server was taking your orders, he:
    didn't notice the couple at the table behind you sneaking food to their pet poodle in the woman's large handbag.
  43. Quesha is helping her roommate study for a psychology exam. She explains to her roommate the importance of "deeply processing" the information. By this, Quesha is referring to a model of memory encoding developed by:
    Craig and Lockhart.
  44. Kevin is studying for a vocabulary test. When he studies the word "braggart", he thinks of how his friend Billy acts whenever Billy gets a new toy. According to your textbook, Kevin is processing this word at a(n):
    deep level.
  45. Paul is confident that he will be able to remember what his new roommate, Sam, looks like at the crowded new-students orientation even though he'd only met Sam briefly several months earlier. Paul remembers that Sam is of average height, has brown hair, and wears contacts. He also remembers that Sam likes the same video games that he does and has the same interests in books and music. Paul especially remembers that he and Sam both have pet black cats name "Spade". Because Paul has encoded so much information about Sam, Paul will...
    ... be more likely to recognize Sam than if he had just remembered that Sam had brown hair.
  46. According to the Atkinson-Shiffrin theory of memory, memory storage involves which of the following three systems?
    Sensory memory; Short-Term memory, and Long-Term memory
  47. You are engrossed in you favorite TV show in the living room. Your roommate yells for you to quickly bring a flyswatter to the kitchen. Vaguely aware that a request is being made of you, you ask your roommate to repeat herself. Before she can reply, however, the words, "bring a flyswatter to the kitchen", play through you mind. This is an example of:
  48. Imagine that you were a participant in Sperling's classic study on iconic memory. Why aren't you able to identify all the letters presented on the screen?
    They are presented too briefly for you to identify them.
  49. Short-term memory has a _____ capacity than sensory memory and a _____ duration.
    More limited; Longer.
  50. Chunking involves...
    ... elaborative encoding of information.
Card Set
GenPsych CH8
GenPsych Ch 8 HW