LLU Path Section 2 Most Common/Major

  1. most common sign of hiatal hernia
    heat burn
  2. major symptom of Achalasia
    progressive dysphagia with possible retrosternal chest pain
  3. what is the major symptom of Esophageal Lacerations (mallory-weiss syndrome)
    hematemesis (but not as much as Esophageal Varices--it has massive hematemesis)
  4. regarding Espphagitis, what is the most common mechanism of mucosal injury in the US?
    chronic gastric reflux
  5. what is the major symptom of GERD
    recurrent heartburn
  6. what condition caries the most increased risk for adenocarcinoma in the esophagus
    barrett esophagus
  7. what is the most common pattern of esophageal carcinoma in the US
  8. what is the major risk factor for adenocarcinoma
    barrett esophagus secondary to chronic GERD
  9. which type of Gastritis is more common between chronic and acute
    chronic gastritis
  10. what is a common cause of hematemesis in alcoholics
    acute gastritis
  11. regarding gastric ulcerations, where do most ulcers of the GI tract occur
    stomach or duodenum
  12. peptic ulcer disease most often occurs where
    first portion of duodenum
  13. where are most Acute Gastric Ulcerations (stress ulcers) located
  14. what is the most common type of Gastric Polyp
    hyperplastic polyps
  15. what type of carcinoma accounts for 90% of gastric cancers
    gastric carcinomas
  16. one of the most contributing factors to the Intestinal type of gastric carcinoma
  17. was the most common type of gastric carcinoma, now it is declining and not the most common
    intestinal type
  18. incidence has increased, it is now the most common type of gastric carcinoma
    diffuse type
  19. which type of gastric carcinoma is worse
    diffuse type
  20. what is the most common and most innocuous developmental anomaly of the small intestine
    mekel diverticulum
  21. most common bowel obstruction
  22. least likely place in GI to get a tumor
    small intestine
  23. what is the most common cancer of the small bowel (although small percentage in whole GI)
  24. although both uncommon, which is more common, UC or Chrones
  25. what is the most common site for a diverticula of the GI tract

    (meckel was the most common diverticulum in the small intestine)
  26. what is the most common cause of excessive bilirubin production
    hemolytic anemias
  27. the 3 most common causes of jaundice overall
    hemolytic anemias, hepatitis, and obstruction of bile outflow
  28. what is the most common route of to liver failure?
    chronic liver disease
  29. #1 cause of liver Cirrhosis
    alcoholic liver disease (but we have to know all 7 in order)
  30. Portal hypertension is most commonly caused by what
    Cirrhosis (not the other way around)
  31. what is the most defining sign of hepatitis
  32. which patter of liver disease, due to chronic alcohol consumption, is most reversible ?
    hepatic steatosis (fatty liver)
  33. what is the leading cause of liver disease in the US
    excessive ethanol consumption
  34. which patter of liver disease, due to chronic alcohol consumption, is most associated with Mallory bodies, binge drinking, and is episodic
    alcoholic hepatitis
  35. which patter of liver disease, due to chronic alcohol consumption, is totally irreversible
  36. which inborn error of bilirubin metabolism is most common and most innocuous?
    gilbert syndrome
  37. which inborn error of bilirubin metabolism is the worst and associated with Kernictereus
    crigler najjar type 1
  38. what is the most common tumor of the liver
    cavernous hemangioma (benign hammertoma)
  39. what is the most common gallstone
    cholesterol stone
  40. one of the most common indications for abdominal surgery in the US
  41. what is the major mechanism for chronic cholecystitis
    chemical injury by supersaturated bile
  42. most contributing condition of acute pancreatitis
    alcoholism or gallstones
  43. what is the cardinal manifestation of acute pancreatitis
    severe mid abdominal pain
  44. -what is the major risk for carcinoma in the pancreas

    -all are what type of carcinoma

    -most likely part of the pancreas to get it


    head of pancreas
  45. what is the first symptom of carcinoma of the pancreas?

    what is the prognosis for it?

    poor--only 2% 5 yr survival rate
  46. most beta cell tumors are: benign or malignant?

    most gastrin producing tumors are ?

  47. what is the universal defining sign or diabetes mellitus
  48. what is the standard of care and the most common used test for the initial diagnosis of DM
    fasting blood glucose
  49. what is the most common test for gestational diabetes
    glucose tolerance test
  50. what is the most useful test for monitoring disease control of DM
    hemoglobin A1C test
  51. what is the most essential treatment for type 1 DM
    insulin replacement
  52. in DM, are genetics more important in type 1 or 2?
    type 2
  53. in DM type 2, the most important constitutional factor is what
  54. what is the first line of treatment in type 2 DM
  55. what is the major target of DM
    blood vessels
  56. what is the most common breast disorder
    fibrocystic changes
  57. what is the most common type of fibrocystic change
    cysts and fibrosis
  58. what is the most likely fibrocystic change to be mistaken from breast carcinoma
    sclerosing adenosis
  59. what is the most common benign tumor of the female breast
  60. what is the most common cancer in women
    breast carcinoma
  61. most common cancer in males
    carcinoma of the prostate
  62. which type of testicular neoplasm has the best prognosis

    which has the worst

    immature teratoma
  63. most common tumor in adult women
  64. what is the most common cancer of the female genital tract
    endometrial carcinoma
  65. most deadly female genital cancer
    ovarian neoplasm
  66. most common type of ovarian tumor
    serous tumor
  67. what is the most common cause of excess anterior pituitary hormone production
    functional pituitary adenoma
  68. most common disease that causes thyrotoxicosis
    graves disease
  69. most common form of thyroiditis
    hashimoto thyroiditis
  70. are thyroid carcinomas or thyroid adenomas more common
    thyroid adenomas
  71. most common type of thyroid adenoma
    follicular thyroid adenoma
  72. most common thyroid carcinoma
    papillary carcinoma
  73. what is the most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism
    functional adenoma
  74. what is the hallmark of primary hyperparathyroidism
  75. what is the most common primary cortical destruction of the adrenal cortex
    addison disease
  76. what is the most common mechanism for addison disease

    -it used to be TB
Card Set
LLU Path Section 2 Most Common/Major
Most common stuff/Major