Chapter 6/US Const.

  1. people use their power to elect representatives to govern them
  2. system that prevents one branch of government from becoming too powerful
    Checks and Balances
  3. sharing of power between national government and the states
  4. What are the 3 types of shared power?
    • 1.Delegated powers- powers given to nat'l gov't
    • 2.Reserved powers- powers reserved/kept by states
    • 3.Concurrent powers- powers shared/used by both nat'l gov't and states
  5. What powers can only the national government do?(9)
    • -declare war
    • -maintain armed forces
    • -regulate interstate/foreign trade
    • -admit new states
    • -establish post offices
    • -set standard weights and measures
    • -coin money
    • -establish foreign policy
    • -make all laws necessary and proper for carrying out delegated powers
  6. What powers do only the states have?(6)
    • -establish and maintain schools
    • -esablish local governments
    • -regualte business within the state
    • -make marriage laws
    • -provide for public safety
    • -assume other powers not delegated to the national government or prohibited to the states
  7. What powers do both state and national governments have?
    • -maintain law and order
    • -levy taxes
    • -borrow money
    • -charter banks
    • -establish courts
    • -provide for public welfare
  8. made up of the Senate and House of Representatives
    The Legislative Branch
  9. Give characteristics of the House of Representatives. (5)
    • -serve 2 year terms
    • -all reps. are elected every 2 years
    • -Reps-must be at least 25 years old
    • -a US citizen for at least 7 years
    • -a resident of state that elects him/her
  10. Give characteristics of the Senate.(6)
    • -serve 6 year terms
    • -1/3 of senators are elected every 2 years
    • -Senators- must be at least 30 years old
    • - a US citizen for at least 9 years
    • - a resident of state that elects him/her
    • -holds impeachment trials when gov't officials are accused of violating federal laws
  11. What is the main power of Congress?
    To make national laws(cannot enforce or interpret laws)
  12. What are the "powers of the purse"?(5)
    • Powers of:-taxation
    • -spending money
    • -borrowing money
    • -making coins and paper
    • -stopping counterfeiting
  13. Give characteristics of the Elastic Clause.(4)
    • -allows Congress to make new laws that are "necessary/proper" for gov't to use its powers
    • -allows Const. to stretch and be flexible over time
    • -allows Congress to make laws to meet changing times/needs
    • -prevents Const. from becoming out of date
  14. What is the right given by the Writ of Habeous Corpus?
    right of people accused of crimes to be brought before a judge and charged with a crime
  15. -led by the President
    -President/Vice President serve 4 year terms
    The Executive Branch
  16. Give the qualifications for being President.(3)
    • -must be at least 35 years old
    • -must be a resident of US for at least 14 years
    • -must be a natural born US citizen
  17. What is the main power of the Executive Branch?
    to enforce national laws(cannot make or interpret laws)
  18. What other powers are given to the President?(3)
    • -Commander in Chief of military
    • -make foreign treaties
    • -fill vacant gov't positions
  19. -Supreme Court
    -inferior courts
    -judges serve for life
    The Judicial Branch
  20. What is the main power of the Judicial Branch?
    to interpret laws(cannot make or enforce laws)
Card Set
Chapter 6/US Const.
US Constitution