chapter 19

  1. the anterior piece of bone in FRONT of the articular fossa
    articular eminence
  2. space in the temporal bone where the condyle sits
    articular mufossa
  3. a process off the mandible that ARTICULATES with the temporal bone
  4. completely enclosed in the TMJ
    joint capsule
  5. what are the two layers of the joint capsule?
    • fibrous exterior
    • synovial membrane
  6. which layer of the joint capsule gives it support?
    fibrous exterior
  7. which layer of the joint capsule is the inner layer of connective tissue?
    synovial membrane
  8. which layer has nerves and blood vessels that supply the joint in the joint capsule?
    synovial membrane
  9. the synovial membrane secretes _________ _________ that helps lubricate the joint
    synovial fluid
  10. fibrous connective tissue that sits BETWEEN the condyle and the articular fossa
    disc of the joint
  11. what completely divides the joint into two sections and what are the cavities called?
    • disc of the joint
    • synovial cavities
  12. what can cause the disc to get thin and make jaw movement uncomfortable?
  13. T/F from aging, if the disc gets thin and jaw movement is uncomfortable it is called TMD
    FALSE! it is more like arthritis, not necessarily TMD
  14. movement of the joint requires both _________ and _________ to fully open the mouth
    • gliding
    • rotation
  15. gliding is:
    moving forward
  16. rotation is:
    opening and closing
  17. what is the purpose of the gliding and rotation?
    so the teeth don't hit each other when opening
  18. what are the two disorders of the joint?
    • subluxation
    • TMD
  19. what is it called when the head of the condyle moved too far ANTERIORLY and got stuck PAST the articular eminence?
  20. what is the treatment for subluxation?
    relax the muscles and carefully move the mandible DOWN and BACK
  21. with subluxation, it usually takes _________ or _________ to treat
    • time-massage
    • medication-muscle relaxant
  22. T/F it is a good idea to give the jaw a break when scaling lower anteriors to prevent subluxation
  23. what are the four symptoms we learned about TMD?
    • chronic joint tenderness
    • painful muscle spasms
    • limited or deviated opening
    • MAYBE headaches
  24. who is the least successful specialist in dentistry?
    TMJ specialist
  25. what are four types of treatment listed for TMD?
    • relaxation therapy
    • muscular exercises
    • nightguard- VERY effective!
    • ortho to correct occlusal problems
  26. what is the better choice of treatment to try before referring someone to a specialist for TMD?
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chapter 19
ch 19 TMJ