Rhetorical Terms 2

  1. Analogy
    A comparison to show likeness
  2. Antithesis
    Opposing statements in parallel structure
  3. Appeal to authority
    Quoting from an expert source
  4. Assertion
    Statement made by the writer is true
  5. Challenge/refute/dispute
    To argue against based on evidence
  6. Defend
    To support
  7. Fallacy
    A statement that is illogical and misleading
  8. Position
    Opinion of the writer
  9. Qualify
    To alter or modify based on evidence
  10. Rebuttal
    Final opposition to an assertion
  11. Rhetoric
    Broad term for nonfiction; using spoken or written communication to persuade
  12. Deduction
    Major and minor premise; conclusion
  13. Induction
    Generalization based on numerous facts
  14. Hasty generalization
    Conclusion based on too little evidence *f
  15. Non sequitor
    Attempt to relate 2+ unrelated ideas *f
  16. Oversimplification
    Providing a simple solution to a complex problem *f
  17. Post hoc
    Assumption that an earlier event causes a later one *f
  18. Red herring
    Used to distract from the real issue *f
  19. Persuasion
    Purpose is to arrouse action
  20. Argumentation
    Purpose is to convince (truth or falsity)
Card Set
Rhetorical Terms 2
Rhet. Terms