
  1. electromagnetic radiation
    form of energy that exhibits wavelike behavior as it travels through space.
  2. wavelength
    distance between 2 identical parts of a wave
  3. frequency
    how fast wave oscillates up and down
  4. electromagnetic spectrum
    includes all forms of electromagnetic radiation
  5. EM radiation (RMIVUXG)
    • -radio (lowest energy)
    • -microwave
    • -infrared
    • -visible
    • -ultraviolet
    • -x-rays
    • -gamma (highest) (cosmic rays)
  6. visible spectrum
    • less energy, longer freq.
    • more energy, shorter freq.
    • energy increases with increasing frequency
  7. Max Planck
    the quantum concept; light comes from little bundles of energy called quantum
  8. quantum
    minimum amount of energy that can be gained or lost by an atom
  9. Albert Einstein
    photoelectric effect; proposed that EM radiation has both wavelike and particle like natures
  10. photoelectrons
    electrons that are emitted from a metal's surface when light of a certain frequency shines on the surface
  11. photon
    a particle of EM radiation with no mass that carries a quantum of energy
  12. quantum theory
    states that an electron must be in an energy level, not in-between
  13. Bohr
    • -came up with 7 energy levels
    • -each successive energy level gets closer together.
  14. de Broglie relation
    predicts all moving particles have wave-like characteristics
  15. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
    It is impossible to make a measurement on an object without disturbing the object in some way, especially if the object is very small.
  16. The aufbau principle
    electrons start at lowest possible energy level
Card Set
Electrons in Atoms